About this blog
What are you going to find in Simon Desjardins Blog? As you are about to find out everything will be quite simple. You will have some ‘Considerations’. Their purpose will be to lead you to a conclusion, or challenge you to strengthen your own view.
You will also find some of my meditations which will be expressed through posts. Articles will also be presented. Some will be apologetic in nature, others evangelistic, but most of them will be written in view to strengthen the faith of God’s people.
You will also find, in the ‘Christ is the Answer – Spain’ option (on the menu bar), information about who we are, as well as explainations about the kind of work we are involved in. Our latest news will also appear there to keep you updated.
And at last, there will be some pictures that will help you to understand better our life style and the work we are involved in.
Feel free to comment on what you read.
You can also contact me at: simondesjardins5@gmail.com