Shadows and substance (Part 1)
“For if He were on earth, He would not be a priest, since there are priests who offer the gifts...
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“For if He were on earth, He would not be a priest, since there are priests who offer the gifts...
One of the saddest sights the Church has to offer is the sight of a Christian having lost his sense...
The point I will attempt to make in this post is that we, Christians, can live a Christianity governed by...
Time and again the Scripture calls us to soberness and regards it as one of the most basic qualities a...
(This post should be read as the second part of a post I wrote the 30th of June 2016. Actually...
At last, we have arrived to the third unexpected source of blessings and surely the most despised of the three,...
In my last two posts I pointed out that important blessings are often hidden in things so small that we...
I would like to continue expounding on the second unexpected source of blessings, namely, blessings hidden in small things; for...
The second unexpected source of blessings originates in “small things”. By small things I mean normal things, the things that...
The first unexpected source of blessings I want to bring to your attention has to do with “Dry Ground”, for...
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