‘Christ is the Answer – Spain’ is an evangelistic ministry working in the Iberian Peninsula since 1980. We travel from city to city, holding evangelistic campaigns under a big tent and investing much effort to present the Gospel to whosoever is willing to listen. We stay in a city for approximately two months. During this time street meetings are held regularly and personal witnessing is practiced on a daily basis. We also do special presentations for children which have proved to be quite effective.
Our main goal is to reach the communities where there is no evangelical churches. This means we are mostly involved in pioneering work. That’s right! We are trailblazers, and this with all the inconveniences involved.
People ask us at times how big a harvest we get every year. Few people seem to realize that before we can talk about a harvest we must talk about a field. And where there are only forests no field can be found until one is made. So this is our work. We are field makers, spiritual lumberjacks; we move about with divine stump pullers and stone carriers.
After much toil and prayers, after two or three evangelistic campaigns a field starts to emerge from the wild. A field that needs to be plowed with all its imperfections, with plenty of stones remaining and roots that seem to never end. But the Gospel message is cutting deep and sometime we discover wheat had grown where the sun could penetrate. Yes! While we are busy cutting trees some people surrender to the Master. They hear and respond, and we, looking at these forgiven faces rejoice with Him and the angels.
So our hands are on the axe, on the stump puller and on the stones; but then comes the plow and at last the furrows are made and the seeds sown, not by the way side neither among the thorns but there where the Plow has turned the world upside-down. Hallelujah! This is inexpressible glory! This is God in His temple, the sovereign King who shall reign forever.
So we have ambassadors there where the Gospel had not penetrated, enclaves of heaven on devilish land and fields of gold in darkened territories. This is God reviving the bones! The noise of bones moving on top of the wilderness. So Life sprouts where there was death, and Power where there was slavery.
Who are we? What is ‘Christ is the Answer – Spain’? We are normal folks having the privilege to work together with Him, eating at His table and rejoicing in His presence. This is eternal bliss and this is His gift to us. For this we shall forever be grateful.
So we go in these forsaken communities to hold one campaign or two or three; we knock and keep knocking until the flag of the Gospel stands high for all to see.
Please keep us in prayer for without His grace and presence we are weaklings, unstable souls and namby-pambies. Yes! We need Him… and we need you.
To Him be all the glory.