Escacena del Campo, 20th of February 2025
Three months ago, amidst rainy days and unstable weather, we managed to move our camp from “La Palma del Condado” to “Escacena del Campo” where we should remain for at least a year.
At the moment our strategy is unfolding successfully, which consists in evangelizing the eastern side of the province of Huelva, and this, in spite of difficulties and opposition. Yes! We are determined to press on and declare the Gospel far and wide to whosoever is willing to listen. The streets and squares continue to be our cathedral and our voice is being heard way beyond the social walls of conformity.
Working with continuity
This area is not new to us. We have labored in it for a few decades and many contacts have been established through the years, i.e., people who are not far from the kingdom of God. We pray that our presence here, and all what it entails, will serve to usher them through the gate of glory where there is forgiveness and divine assistance. It’s this sort of unremitting effort that brings lasting results and turns the spiritual forests into fields.
Our tour in Finland
The time spent in Finland last fall has been, for the least to say, glorious. And you can be sure I am not overstating the case. This was our 40th tour, and through the years these visits have become an important part of my ministry. During this lengthy period our awareness have matured, leading us to a greater comprehension of the spiritual needs of the land. We also became familiar with the different trends evolving in the churches, some positive, others negative. All this makes us the more fit to minister to the brotherhood. May God continue to prosper our time there in the years to come.
New recruits
For the moment, two new disciples have joined our ranks, namely, Isabella from Finland and George from Romania. We are grateful to God for these new workers, for indeed the old saying is still standing: “The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few.” Brethren! Let’s continue to pray to the Lord of the harvest, asking Him to send out workers into His field. If you are out there, desirous to participate in God’s glorious harvest, please contact us.
A project in formation
We are presently praying, asking God to direct our steps in regard to a possible attempt to establish a Christian community in Pilas, a locality we have evangelized for a few decades. With its 15,000 inhabitants, Pilas has been unusually open to the Gospel message. Several contacts have been made in the past and we are thinking to hold, for a four months period, a weekly meeting in a public hall as a first step to see the response of the population. If interest is shown we will eventually rent a meeting place and establish a mission point in the locality. Another thing that contributes to our objective is the fact that another locality, called Aznalcázar (5000 inhabitants), is only seven kilometers from Pilas, which makes our project the more important. Please, join your prayers to ours and let’s see what God is going to do.
Brethren! Let’s work while it is day. The night is coming and the shadows are lengthening.
About our future
To conclude I want to say: we are still believing God for our future, i.e., for the acquisition of the hotel I mentioned on my blog for the last two years. God knows our situation and only Him can bring the miracle in the land of reality. In Him we rest our mind and heart.
La Palma del Condado, 2nd of June 2024
I write this letter from “La Palma del Condado” where we are still encamped. The local authorities have been, and continue to be, very patient and kind to us. But happily for them and for us, we have found at last a new place where we should move in about two weeks. The new lot is located in “Escacena del Campo” where we have held four campaigns in the last fourteen years and where a growing church has been established. As a matter of fact, two years ago, I had the privilege to ordain elders in that young congregation, the only one in that area.
Actually, our move to “Escacena del Campo” is being delayed by a number of factors, one of them being that our future location is, at the moment, full of grain that needs to be harvested before we can occupy the lot. Secondly, we need to replace the engine of one of our trucks (see picture below). If everything goes well brother Pepe should get the work done in a few days.
A glad return
We are looking forward to the time we will spend in “Escacena del Campo”. We have dear brothers and sisters there and we are well known by its population. Added to it, we will reenter our sphere of accomplishment, which will enable us to continue to deepen our impact on its inhabitants and those of the surrounding towns. The Lord is indeed good to us and the opportunities He provides are absolutely amazing and well orchestrated.
Our evangelistic effort
Throughout the winter and spring we have continued to proclaim the Glad Tidings in a large number of communities. The winter rains has slowed down our progress, but seizing every opportunity we have advanced nonetheless, plowing and sowing, speaking to God about men and to men about God in the attempt to fulfill our ministry at the best of our possibilities. Plenty of literature has also been distributed and only God knows what the result of this effort will be.
About our future
As I wrote on my last newsletter, we are still praying in view to pass from a mobile camp to a permanent location. Our prayers have been triggered by the fact that it has become nearly impossible to move our camp from city to city; not to mention the financial burden such moving imposes. Indeed the whole thing has become a real challenge. If you want to know more about our present situation click here.
Life in the camp
The summer heat is surely arriving on the Andalusian soil and we are preparing ourselves for an exceedingly hot summer. By the time we will move our camp, that is, in about two weeks, the temperatures should exceed forty degrees Celsius. Last year the thermometer reached 48°C in the shade. Needless to say, to live and work under the sun in that intense heat is indeed challenging and very consuming. At the moment we are focusing on maintenance activities to improve the general aspect of our camp, a very needed step after an unusual long and humid winter.
A very appreciated worker
Sister Anna, from Italy, has joined our ranks for the time being. She has visited us many times in the past and has always been a real blessing to all of us. We rate highly her help and her relentless effort to serve in anything needed. If there are other Annas over there please come to visit us. Who knows, maybe you will join our ranks too.
La Palma del Condado, 2nd of February 2024
Here is some fresh news of what is happening with us.
As you may remember, we arrived in La Palma del Condado last July and were able to remain here until now, evangelizing the southern part of the province of Huelva. But a few weeks ago, the municipal authorities told us it was time to begin to look for a new location, which we have done in these last few weeks. As I have explained before, with the passing of the years this search has become extremely difficult due to a huge increment in the bureaucracy involved and the ever-changing laws that are becoming increasingly stricter. Yet, in spite of the difficulties, we are searching assiduously for a location to move our camp in the near future. Please! Join your prayers to ours. We need to find a solution and find it soon.
Working to find a permanent solution
As you may already know, during the last four years we have attempted to establish a permanent base from which we could evangelize and establish churches in some of the most needed areas of Spain. This project has been, and continues to be, an amazing challenge. At first we thought to modify our containers and turn them into little cabins in view to establish ourselves in a rustic area. But this option proved to be impossible due to recent regulations regarding permanent housing.
Our second attempt was to buy a few houses located near each other in some rural area, but the fact that the water supply of these houses is provided, most of the time, by illegal wells, and that the authorities are cracking down on such wells due to the severe drought Spain has experienced in the last decade, this alternative is nearly abolished. The only option would be to find houses having legal wells, but to find such houses, near one another, is nearly impossible.
At last we could acquire a hotel which is being sold in a very strategic area, namely, in San Bartalomé de la Torre (here is the link), but only a financial miracle could permit us to purchase such an ideal place. Of course God is well able to open the windows of heaven (Malachi 3:10) and provide what we need. This is our prayer and our hope.
If you would like to participate in this very challenging project here is the information. And if you want to know more about this project click here.
News about Aracena
Twenty-two years ago, we held an evangelistic campaign in Aracena, a city located in the northern part of the province of Huelva. At the time a married couple got saved, namely, Paco and Manoli. They were, back then, the only evangelical Christians in that locality. But through the passing of the years other people got saved and we began to hold meetings regularly in different homes until 2015, in which year a public place began to be used. Today the church is autonomous, having its own pastor and elders (Paco being one of them), and counts more than 40 members. It is the only church located in the northern part of Huelva’s province, all other churches being situated in the extreme south. (Below is a photo of Paco and Manoli, which was taken a week ago during one of their visits, and a photo of the meeting place in Aracena.)
Yama and Mari Paz
We had also the privilege to receive the visit of Yama (from Japan) and Mari Paz (from Spain), a dear married couple and old friends. We have come to know them in 1998 when we had an evangelistic campaign in Alcalá de Guadaíra, the city where Yama pastors a church since nearly 30 years. Both, Yama and Mari Paz, have been a blessing to us for decades and have assisted us in multifarious occasions. Yama is also director of a center which helps people with drug problems. Their daughter, together with her husband, serves as missionary in Japan. And their son, together with his Japanese wife, serves as missionary in Spain. Their entire family is an example of dedication and zeal.
Ojajärvi, 24th of August 2023
Several months have passed since my last newsletter. Since then the course of events have been quite exacting and complex. You may remember that we set our camp in Niebla in mid-December. Our evangelistic campaign there went well, with numerous open doors, and the Gospel was preached far and wide.
However, we were supposed to be out of Niebla by the end of May and everything was well organized to actualize our departure, for we had been authorized to set our camp in another city. In fact, we had begun our move when suddenly the authorities canceled the agreement. This shift was triggered by the nationwide local elections which were going to take place at the end of May. The problem was now to try to find another place; and in a time of political upheaval the difficulties are multiplied. To make things worse, in Niebla, our camp was set on the fairground and a fair was due to come at the beginning of June. Happily, the authorities offered us a temporary place where we could go, but there was no water or electricity there. Gladly, a minimal part of our camp remained on the fairground where we had water but no longer electricity since our authorized time had ended. So our camp was split in two and we were left in a haphazard situation. Those living in “camp two” were coming to “camp one” for showers, laundry, toilets and so on.
Meanwhile, brother Rogelio, who is in charge of public relations, was doing his uttermost to find a solution to the plight we were in.
After some twenty days, a location was found in La Palma del Condado and it seemed everything was going to return to normality. The authorities there were glad to hear we had found a private location in their city and were favorable for our coming. A written authorization was going to be written and we were told we could begin our move anytime, which we did speedily. But when our entire camp was up, unexpected problems began to occur. We had to pay 1.300€ for the water connection, and there was disagreement in the city hall about giving us a written authorization, without which the electric company could not provide us electricity.
After some days, we were told the written authorization could not be given due to the fact that the piece of ground we were occupying was not categorized as urban. It follows that the electric company could not connect us to a power supply. At the time, our generator was not working properly, but by God’s grace—after a few weeks—we had it fixed and had access to 15 kilowatts. This means the team has survived the last two months with a single air-conditioning situated in our public dining room. With temperatures exceeding 45 degrees Celsius, no homes had access to the refreshing devise. And since some of us are passed 70 years, our living conditions were rather deleterious. Of course these sorts of inconveniences are to be expected when a team like ours battles on the frontline. Yet, in spite of it all, the grace of God was present and we managed, and are still managing, to keep ranks amidst dire straits and setbacks.
An ordination
While we were in Niebla, during the winter, brother William was ordained as elder in the team. William joined the Christ is the Answer ministry in May 2000 and served faithfully all these years amidst easy and difficult times. Please keep him in prayers, for the responsibility laid upon him entails very many things.
William & his wife Mélodie
Eija and myself are presently in Finland for our annual tour. We have arrived here the 17th of August and as every year our first location is near Alajärvi in a beautiful little cottage near a lake. We are grateful to the Lord for the safe trip He gave us from Spain to Finland. This Finnish tour has become an yearly marker for us. Next year, the Lord willing, we will make our 40th tour in this part of the world. Needless to say, we have made many friends and the tour has become, through the years, a little ministry on its own.
Niebla, 21st of March 2023
More than two months have passed since I redacted my last newsletter. Indeed, the days are passing rapidly and one must be quick off the mark to seize the fleeting opportunities.
Yes! We are still in Niebla and will remain here until the end of May. The local authorities have been conducive to our activities and we are grateful for their kindness and solidarity. We don’t know yet where our next destination will be, for to find a place where to stay for approximately six months is indeed a challenge surpassing our capabilities. Only God can find such a place and we are trusting in Him, for we know He is well able to substantiate that sort of miracle.
We have already knocked on different doors and some answers should be coming our way in the following weeks. One of the possibilities is to return to Chucena and erect our camp on a lot belonging to two construction companies. We have already contacted them and are awaiting their answer. If the answer is positive we might be able to remain there for a meaningful period of time.
Our evangelistic effort
In the midst of it all we are continuing to proclaim the gospel message in numerous localities. Happily, people are more receptive to its proclamation than some years ago; and with the arrival of the spring people are more prone to stop and listen for longer periods of time. Some weeks ago a special meeting was held in La Palma del Condado with some brethren from Seville. They came with amazing flamenco singers zealous to put their talents at the disposal of their Lord and Savior. Here are some pictures of them evangelizing through singing and preaching:
Numerous street meetings were also held in such localities as Trigueros, Valverde del Camino, Bonares, Lucena del Puerto, Candón, and so on. The Lord is opening many doors; actually more than we can handle. The saying still stands: “The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.” The following pictures were taken in Valverde del Camino.
A new worker has enlisted
We are very grateful to the Lord of the harvest for having inspired Lidia to join our ranks. She comes from a Brazilian missionary family. She has integrated into the team rapidly and proved to be very useful in several facets of the ministry. May God’s grace and strength be upon her.
A change of plan
As far as our future base is concerned plan A has shipwrecked on the shore of time. This is due to the fact that one of the three houses, the biggest one, has been sold a few weeks ago. So we are now preparing plan B in the surrounding of Gibraleon. Actually the location is better than the one of plan A, being nearer to the highway leading to important cities without evangelical churches and teeming with migrant workers, most of them being African Muslims. Join your prayers to ours and let’s see what God will do.
Niebla, 31st of December 2022
Before I get to the news I want to wish you a blessed and prosperous New Year, a year of growth, victory and usefulness. We are told we don’t know what a day may bring forth (Prov. 27:1). So what to say about a year? But like king David we can trust in the shelter of His wings (Psalm 61:4) to protect and keep us safe all along 2023.
Our present location
I am writing these news from Niebla, a locality situated in the province of Huelva, 32 km west of Chucena where we were encamped for nearly three years and a half. But as I explained on my last newsletter the owners of that land decided to put it in sale last April. At first we were considering buying it but the proprietors changed their mind and decided to sell all their lands as a package deal which was too expensive for us to purchase. So we had to move out of there and ended up here in Niebla. The move was interrupted by heavy rain—which is not common in this part of Spain—but happily we were able to set up our camp before Christmas. Our intention is to stay here for the following three months, or perhaps more, depending of the decision of the local authorities. Due to the increasing difficulties to find a place where to encamp and the increasing cost a move entails, the longer we stay in Niebla the better.
The Ukrainian team
Another major news is that the “Christ is the Answer” team proceeding from Ukraine will spend the winter with us. Most of them are already here and should stay with us until the month of April. This means the size of our team has doubled as well as our budget.
The picture below shows brother Monserrate Balboa García from Spain, leader of the Ukrainian team, with his wife Inna from Ukraine and their 11 children, among which 7 have been adopted. Monserrate and Inna have been members of the Spanish team many years ago and we are glad to host them and their team in this special time.
About our future
As far as our future is concerned we are still planning to buy a few houses to establish our base. God knows our need and we are resting in Him. It is hard to envisage two more years moving our camp around. What we have done for nearly 50 years is now getting nearly impossible and everything has become extremely difficult and expensive. The three houses we have in mind are very near each other. Their location is absolutely fantastic for the purpose of evangelizing. They are situated amidst thousands of migrant workers, most of them Muslims. These houses have been in sale for two years and no one bought them yet. If they are intended for us we are confident the Lord will set them apart until we will have sufficient funds to buy them. Their total cost is 310.000 Euros. This includes an old warehouse that could be restored and used as a meeting place, and 4 hectares of land. As you understand, only a miracle will enable us to purchase these properties, but happily God knows how to perform miracles. So we wait on Him while evangelizing, looking up to see what 2023 will bring forth.
Chucena, 22nd of August 2022
(This letter was redacted a week ago but I had no time to publish it until now)
Dear brethren, again I am writing to you from Chucena where we have encamped for the last three years. At the moment we are planning our immediate future since the owners of the lot we presently occupy have put their piece of land for sale. This turn of events has forced us to look for different alternatives.
The first one was to search for a piece of land we could occupy for a few months as we have done for more than 45 years. But to find such a place is increasingly difficult. Added to it, it would mean we would move our camp at least four times a year, which is, economically and strategically, a deficient approach. Deficient because each move would cost us approximately 1700€, without mentioning the taxes we might have to pay to occupy the lot. Some years ago every thing was much cheaper and easier. Four moves a year also means 40 days a year that are not invested on direct evangelism. In fact, realistically speaking, we might have up to 6 moves a year, not four, which would increase the numbers mentioned above by 33%.
These considerations have led us to a second alternative, namely, to buy the piece of land where we are presently. The authorities of Chucena have been consulted and they have been amazingly receptive to the proposal. They told us we could stay on that piece of land for up to 10 years if we buy it. At the moment we are awaiting to know how much the owners of the lot will be asking for that land. If we would buy it and stay there for 10 years we would save a minimum of 68.000€. I say “a minimum” because the saving might go as high as 100.000€, not mentioning a minimum of 400 more days that would be invested on direct evangelism. In brief, the purchase offers a very good option, for after 10 years we could put the land in sale and get some money back, which means, that piece of land would have been used for nearly free of charge.
Now you may ask: Why only ten years? The facts is: we cannot live in our containers permanently if we become local residents. This is the law of the land and there is nothing we can do about it. In fact, ten years is more than anticipated. That is why we are planning to buy some houses in the future and use them as a base from which to work. But because of financial reasons these houses cannot be purchased at the moment. In fact only God knows when we will be able to buy them. So we are trying to find a solution for our present situation.
About evangelism
All these turns of events have not interfered with our main goal, which is, to proclaim the Gospel message. Meetings are being held regularly in the streets and squares, and although we are few in numbers we are pressing on to fulfill our responsibility.
A month ago we had the privilege to collaborate with some of the members of “Logos Hope”—the ship belonging to “Operation Mobilization”. They came to assist us in our evangelistic effort. They have been indeed an encouragement and it was our delight to have fellowship with them. The pictures above show some of them in action. They were taken while they were collaborating with us in Escacena del Campo. May God bless all of them and renew their strength until the final Day.
Chucena, 31st of March 2022
A few months have passed since my last newsletter and many things took place on the international scene. Yet, in spite of the geopolitical turbulence—which calls for prayers and concern—we are pursuing our evangelistic effort, proclaiming the gospel in the eastern part of the province of Huelva and the western part of the province of Seville. Street meetings are being held regularly in different towns and villages and many are they who can hear the glad tidings of salvation.
Indeed, it is time to renew our commitment in the realm of evangelization, for only God knows the time we have left to fulfill the ministry of reconciliation.
God’s blessing
At last the rain is falling in this droughty Andalusia. It was about time because the reservoirs—most of them artificial—were just about waterless. Happily, the weather forecast announces more rain for the coming days. Of course all this slows down our evangelistic effort but we are nevertheless rejoicing for this divine gift.
Two weeks ago we were blessed by the visit of some Italian brothers coming from Sicily. Their presence, together with their practical love, was a great encouragement for all of us. Their deeds and words were highly edifying and we give thanks to God for the beautiful fellowship we had with them.
Unfortunately, brother Samuele Gioeli, pastor of the Community “Salvati per Grazia” in Palermo, had to leave us prematurely since his sister-in-law died the day after his arrival.
As for us, we are still encamped in Chucena (see pictures below). This locality, midway between Seville and Huelva, has become our base for the time being. We have been here for more than two years and a half, reaching far and wide with the sole purpose of proclaiming the Gospel.
As you can see on the picture, our camp is situated on the edge of the locality which has been an advantage for us ever since the pandemic started. In fact, no member of our team got the virus so far. Needless to say, we are very grateful for God’s amazing protection.
You can also see on the pictures that our meeting tent is no longer up. This is due to the fact that our evangelical effort is presently carried out in the surrounding localities.
On the picture below you can see that the highway connecting Seville with Huelva (E-1) passes half a kilometer from our camp, which makes of Chucena a perfect location from which we can launch out to the eastern side of Huelva’s province as well as the western side of Seville’s province.
So here we are, working with and for Him in these perilous and unstable times. A big ‘THANK YOU’ to all of you who encourage us through words and deeds. May God’s presence surround and protect you always.
Chucena, 1st of December 2021
On the 7th of November, after having toured in Finland for two months, my wife and I began our journey back to Spain. Little we knew at the time that our trip would last nearly six days. The traffic in Germany & France was overwhelming, producing multifarious gridlocks that lasted up to a few hours. It was the worse trip we did in 36 years, but happily the Lord gave us abundant grace and everything went well. At last, we arrived in the “Christ is the Answer’s camp” on Friday the 12th of November in the early evening. We are glad to be back in the battlefield and grateful for God’s protection during all these weeks.
Another good news is that for the first time since the 4th of March 2020 all the members of the team are present. This is due to the fact that sister Nella was caught up in Italy due to Covid 19 and had to prolong her stay afterward for family reasons. But it is absolutely fantastic to have the whole gang together again and to be able to focus once more on our common goal.
Sister Nella
The team’s evangelistic effort
While Eija and I were in Finland the team was evangelizing at the pulse of the present possibilities. Street meetings were held in season and out of season, with authorization or without it, and this, in many municipalities surrounding Chucena. As a result, Francisco began to frequent the Christian community of Escacena del Campo, a community that is slowly growing with the passing of the years. Indeed, every opportunity must be ceased inasmuch as the future is somewhat uncertain.
Since our return, i.e., during the last two weeks, the Gospel has been preached in such localities as Huevar, Sanlúcar la Mayor, La Palma del Condado, Manzanilla and Escacena del Campo. People have been quite receptive and for the most part polite and considerate. Actually, the Mayor of Escacena del Campo told us we didn’t have to ask him permission to hold street meetings in his municipality. So we have a wide open door to evangelize there in all freedom as long as we want.
Surely, to present the Gospel in these turbulent times is no easy task, but by God’s grace the divine message still makes furrows in people’s hearts. Yes! The divine counsel stands firm: “And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.”
Awaiting a miracle
As for our settlement project we are still waiting on God. A miracle in the realm of finances is needed and we know it will take place at the appointed time. Meanwhile, we follow the divine injunction and seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness.
We want to thank you all for your help, love and prayers. May God continue to sustain you and may His protection cover you at all time.
Ojajärvi, 26th of August 2021
We left Spain on the 17th of August for our annual tour in Finland. Our first destination was a medical center where we underwent a covid-19 test since a negative result was necessary to travel through Europe. Happily the results were good and we were able to continue our trip. After four long days of traveling we arrived at the port of Helsinki where we had to be tested one more time since our Spanish document was only valid for 72 hours. The test was negative and we were thus allowed to proceed to our first destination were we are presently. We were tested one more time today. We don’t know the results yet but we believe everything will be fine. Happily these two last tests were free of charge. We are grateful to God for having led us safely and for the privilege we have to serve Him in multifarious ways.
A drastic change of weather
When we were preparing for our long journey the temperature in Spain was reaching 48 degrees Celsius and the scorching sun was out week after week. But here in Finland things are quite different. Right now it is 12:55 p.m. and the thermometer marks 10 degrees. It is now raining and the scenery is comparatively very dark. Last night it dropped to 3 degrees Celsius. It is indeed a shocking change that requires a bit of adaptation.
The last few months in Spain
At the end of May we were able to return to evangelism on a weekly basis. Street meetings had been held previously but only sporadically, but since the 28th of May we have been allowed—in some localities—to hold them a few times a week. Some of these towns are quite remote from our camp but we want to seize every opportunity to further the Gospel. Literature has also been distributed at regular interval and a display of evangelistic publications has been set-up time and again. Slowly but surely the doors are reopening and we are hoping to return to normality in the near future.
Chucena, 3oth of May 2021
Again, I write these lines from Chucena where we have been anchored for nearly two years. It has been a very special time so far, for we were used to move our camp every two months, which entails a constant social integration that must be done in record time.
The divine providence
Having spent 22 months in the same locality we have been able to make friendship with many and people in general show us great respect. The Lord has also provided some means that have enabled us to bless the community. For instance, some weeks ago, we received such a large quantity of sea bass that our freezers got full to the brim and many crates were still left outside. We decided to offer them to those passing by our camp. Many took them with gratefulness and appreciation. It was indeed a beautiful opportunity to strengthen our ties with the community.
We are also hosting José, a citizen of Chucena. We came to know him during our stay here. He suddenly found himself homeless and needs help for about 50 days until he receives his unemployment benefit. The whole community knows him very well. These sorts of details are helpful when time comes to win the heart of the residents.
Grace upon grace
We are grateful to Antonio & Amparo for permitting us to occupy their piece of land for so long. Their generosity has been quite amazing and we are very grateful for their kindness. The authorities have also handled our stay with great understanding and benevolence. All these manifestations of grace encourage our hearts and strengthen our determination.
Encarnación Castellano Solís, mayor of Chucena
Our evangelistic effort
We are also slowly returning to normality in the realm of evangelization. I am not saying the doors are wide open yet, but the restrictions are being reduced and our possibilities are thereby enhanced.
Two days ago, we were able to hold a street meeting in Pilas, 14 km away from Chucena. The community has a large Muslim population and it was our joy to proclaim the Glad Tidings to all. Literature was also given and words of hope sown in the hearts of many.
We are planning to have more open-air meetings in the following weeks. Pray with us that the local authorities will authorize us, for there are still some doubts in the hearts of many regarding the pandemic. Added to it, some localities are still under confinement.
Our future base
Many things have happened since my last letter and our search for a place to settle in has given interesting results. The Lord seems to direct our steps to San Bartolomé de la Torre, a locality very well situated for the purpose of evangelism (see picture below). Its location is propitious due to a constant flow of immigrants coming to harvest the fields. Such cities as Lepe, Cartaya, Moguer, Gibraleón, Trigueros and many others are hosting thousands of people coming from Africa and Europe, people with little resources and great needs. Every year there are new comers and many of them cannot even find a work. If you want to understand more clearly what I am saying go to
What I mean is that the mission field surrounding San Bartolomé de la Torre is—in a meaningful percentage—renewed every year. All this generates opportunities to reach new people continuously. We have also created a new association called “Afesis”, which is orientated towards social works.
So, in San Bartolomé de la Torre, there are three houses in sale that would serve our needs perfectly, two of them are situated on the same lot and another one 300 meters away. So we are awaiting for the finances needed, i.e., for an absolute miracle. If these houses are still in sale when the funds arrive we will take it as a divine confirmation. Please! Join us in prayer. Let us come boldly and in unison to the throne of grace from where our help comes.
If you want to know more about our settlement project, or how you can support it, you can contact me at:
Chucena, 29th of December 2020
In spite of the pandemic and adverse circumstances, we are still reaching out to hungry hearts and open souls. New Testaments, daily devotional calendars, and Christian literature were thus distributed in the form of Christmas gifts. To our amazement, fifty percent of the passers-by accepted the present and many others came to receive it. Added to it, many came to our camp asking for the gift and expressing their warm gratefulness.
One day, as we walked back to our camp after having evangelized, a man told us: “I heard you were giving some gifts today. I have finished to read the calendar you gave me last year.” When he was told we had a calendar for 2021 he added: “I would like to have a New Testament as well. It might surprise you but I have never read it.” So we are here for them and their thirst spurs us on. Yes! The inhabitants of Chucena have received us warmly and we are grateful for the privilege we have to bless them.
Our Finnish tour
We are grateful to God for the possibility we had to make our annual tour in Finland this fall. At one point it seemed our going would be impossible, and this for several reasons—one of them being the impossibility to get our European Health Pass—but happily, God worked a miracle and we were able to obtain it in a record time. That divine move confirmed God’s will for us and we were delighted to go in full assurance of faith. After quarantining for two weeks we started to hold meetings which were attended without restrictions.
It is indeed wonderful to see God at work among His people, and more so, in these adverse circumstances.
Our future base
In regard to our itinerant life we are still searching for a solution. The increasing difficulties to move our camp from city to city imposes on us a single option, namely, the creation of a base from which to reach out far and wide with the Gospel Message. At first, we attempted to settle our camp in a non-urbanized area, but our attempt failed due to several laws and restrictions. Our second attempt was to establish ourselves on a piece of land that could be urbanized. But unfortunately these lands are all classified for specific edifications, which exclude our containers, and since the cost of building is too high for us we are left with a single course of action, i.e., to buy something already built and to modify it to meet our needs. Of course such a place is very hard to find. It must combine both, an accessible price and a good location. So please! Join us in prayer, for the Lord’s guidance is our only hope. Thank you for your concern.
Chucena, 18th of July 2020
We are still in Chucena and unfortunately our evangelistic activities are still very reduced. This is due to a resurgence of Covid 19 in the province of Huelva where we are presently encamped. The resurgence is attributed to the massive touristic influx that throngs the region.
Beyond question the present pandemic has brought a major social shift in the whole country and we are facing a state of affairs which differs greatly from what we have been accustomed to. It seems we will not be allowed to move our camp to a new location until the year 2021, and everything seems somewhat unpredictable as far as the near future is concerned.
Our present activities
So our time and energy is mostly invested on maintenance work in our camp, which is very necessary and plenteous, and on such spiritual activities as prayers, intercessions, exhortations and edification.
In spite of the atypical social circumstances we continue to seek opportunities to present the Gospel to a population that has received us amiably. We are also consolidating some of the local believers and involved in the restructuration of the Christian community in this area.
The team
Happily, the disciples are facing this anomalous period with maturity and we find ourselves meeting in the open-air while respecting the recommended social distancing; only the members of the same family can sit together. These times of communion have proven greatly beneficial and we are grateful to the Lord for His visitations and morale-boosting.
All things considered, this lengthy interval has been beneficial and constructive, for it has helped us to regroup and turn our attention to areas of our ministry that had been neglected due to a lack of workers.
Our future base
We are also working to establish a base in the surrounding of Gibraleón in the province of Huelva. An ideal lot of 2.7 hectares is under our consideration. We have already talked with the owner and are now waiting to be scheduled to meet the mayor in view to present our project.
The plot of land is:
—5 km from Gibraleón (12.548 inhab.)
—16 km from Trigueros (7.782 inhab.)
—17 km from Cartaya (19.433 inhab.)
—22 km from Lepe (27.241 inhab.)
—23 km from Moguer (21.699 inhab.)
—30 km from Palos de la fronteras (11.112 inhab.)
—37 km from Valverde del Camino (12.780 inhab.)
—48 km from Ayamonte (20.883 inhab.)
—57 km from Almonte (24.013 inhab.)
—And then there are many smaller towns in our near vicinity.
Needless to say, we are assiduously praying that the Lord will open wide doors for us and that the authorities will be helpful, showing gracious solidarity. Please pray with us, for only a miracle can get these doors open.
Chucena, 24th of March 2020
Our life is constantly challenged by scores of events, and most of the time we cannot see them coming, for as the Scriptures declare, we don’t know what a day can bring forth. The only thing we know—that is, in relation to immediate occurrences—is that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose (Rom. 8:28). But this “little” portion of knowledge is actually mind-blowing, for it engenders a serenity in our heart and mind that amounts to a peace surpassing all understanding (Phil. 4:7).
A time of restrictions
Spain, like Italy, is in absolute isolation, and we, as a team, have stopped all activities outside and inside our camp. We stay in our homes and leave the camp only for emergencies, and when we do, we keep a distance of three meters from everyone else.
The hygiene rules of our little community are also numerous. For instance, everyone has their own plate, cup, glass, etc., and they must wash their respective dishes at home. Only the cook can enter in the kitchen and only one person can take a shower at the time. It is a matter of being responsible for the well being of our neighbors.
Outside the camp, the police controls everything. There cannot be more than one person in a car and the destination must be a hospital, health center, pharmacy or a supermarket. In the supermarkets, as well as in the pharmacies, the security is maximum. Only a few people are allowed inside and the people queuing outside must stay within three meters from each other. Everything else is closed. The cities are literally empty. It is a very impressive sight.
Vital and Muriel have canceled their annual tour in Switzerland, and Eija and me are not too sure if we will be able to do our tour in Finland and Germany from September to November. At the moment we are planning one week at the time and wait on God for further direction.
All things considered, we look at this time positively, for it can be turned into a time of rest and study, a time of prayer and recuperation, a time to refocus on some basic Christian priorities. Every day counts, and such a period can be very constructive.
Our project in Lepe
The intention we had to establish a base in Lepe has fallen through. It has been a long story—too long actually—and an intense struggle. At one point everything was looking very good. The authorities were supportive and the project was advancing slowly but surely. But all of a sudden the main architect of the City Hall began to interfere with our proposal. Added to it, we could hardly meet with him, for he was postponing any sort of direct encounter. The months were thus passing by and there was little we could do, and with the present national restrictions everything was going to drag even more.
Although we haven’t received a direct negative answer, the time limit has closed on us and the owner of the lot, a dear brother, could not wait any longer. Surely we cannot blame him, for he had demonstrated an amazing patience and great understanding.
Obviously the Lord has something else in mind. Actually the lot was a bit small for us, and as you can see on the picture above, the house was dividing the lot in two. Why these three years had to pass ending up in an apparent failure? Well… we don’t know. But we are not giving up. There are different options in front of us and we will try to develop the project in another locality in the surroundings of Lepe. We will keep you informed of any positive development. Please! Join us in prayer, for only a miracle can give us a way out.
Our immediate future
We were supposed to have a move at the end of March and set up our camp in Villarrasa—24 km from Chucena—but due to the present circumstances the move must be postponed for at least two months. This complicates everything for us since we had the two next campaigns organized, namely, in Villarrasa (April & May) and in La Palma del Condado (June & July), and to organize our campaigns has become infinitely more difficult than it used to be. But we know the Lord will direct our steps in due time and in Him we rest.
I leave you with a few verses found in the Book of Isaiah:
Come, my people, enter your chambers,
And shut your doors behind you;
Hide yourself, as it were, for a little moment,
Until the indignation is past.
For behold, the Lord comes out of His place
To punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity;
The earth will also disclose her blood,
And will no more cover her slain. (Isaiah 26:20,21)
Chucena, 16th of January 2020
We are still in Chucena, chasing every opportunity to promote the Gospel in the surrounding towns, and there are enough of them to keep us busy for months. Actually today we will begin a little campaign in Aznalcázar, 24 km from our camp. The campaign will last two weeks and we will make use of a hall to hold evangelistic meetings. We will attempt to do the same in Pilas (15 km), Hinojos (10km), and Paterna del Campo (8 km). All these places are without an evangelical church and we count it our privilege to reach out to them with the love of God and proclaim the glad tidings of salvation.
Strengthening the community
As you may know, for years we have attempted to consolidate the little community in Escacena del Campo. It has been a struggle from beginning to end, but happily our effort has paid off and the community tripled in number during these past years. Without our intervention there would be only two locals in the community but now they are six. Added to it, brother Emilio Gabas and his wife Sofia will remain in this area as local workers, which will add two more locals to the six I have already mentioned. So they will be a total of eight, and with the brethren coming from outside they will be 12 altogether.
As you can imagine we will miss Sofia and Emilio a whole lot. After all, Sofia has worked with us for 33 years and Emilio 26. That being said, we rejoice for the community of Escacena which is growing in number, in grace, and in determination. So a strategic mission point has been established and we rejoice for the grace God has bestowed on these communities.
The closing of the year 2019
Christmas and New Year have provided an occasion to host many visitors (below is the pictures of a few of them). It has been a meaningful period and a time of refreshing and fellowship.
Denis, Mado & Simon
Jemina, Levi, Rasmus, Suzana & Joel
Samuel & Angèle
Looking back on 2019 we can only see the faithful hand of God through all the year. He is surely trustworthy and deserves our absolute confidence.
2020 is already unfolding and we know many challenges will come our way. But we are prepared to face any circumstances, as adverse as they may be, for the Lord is with us and God’s Spirit is at work.
Few in number
We are praying for workers as never before, for too many are the opportunities we cannot seize. It is indeed deplorable. So join us in prayer, for the Lord of the harvest is paying attention to our pleas.
Thank you for your concern.
Chucena, 8th of December 2019
I am writing this letter from Chucena (Spain) where we arrived the 23rd of November. The three months spent traveling have been unusually captivating and at times breathtaking. It has been opportunities after opportunities, not only in the realm of ministry, but also in the sphere of human experiences. The Scriptures could not express it any better when it says: “The blessing of the Lord makes one rich, and He adds no sorrow with it” (Prov. 10:22), for indeed our life has been enriched, and enriched by things money cannot buy.
Our time in Germany was also stupendous. We were able to reach out to new Italian churches and next year, the Lord willing, we will expend our frontiers even more. Brother Pino Trivieri and his wife Maria Pia are our main contacts there—they don’t only host us but Pino is also the one organizing our tour. May God reward them generously and with abundant grace.
Pino & Maria Pia
On our arrival we found the team doing well, with their hands on the plow and their eyes fixed on the hope set before them. To pioneer in these little towns is no easy task and calls for true grit. I give thanks to God for the workers He has granted us—men and women resolved to search until the last sheep be found.
With this objective in mind we are laboring in the surrounding towns, looking diligently for these gold nuggets hidden in tons of dirt. It is indeed a test of patience and perseverance, of hardship and spiritual resistance. But the Spirit is there to sustain us and lead us to priceless discoveries.
Fighting to prevail
Our project in Lepe—that is, the establishment of a base from where we could carry out our mission— is subjected to an absolute struggle. It’s architect against architect, information against information, and the battle goes on as the weeks pass by.
The main architect of Lepe City Council told us that our proposal could not be accepted since it was 350 meters from an urban area and that the lawful distance should exceed 750 meters. But after a long investigation we were informed by another authoritative source that the closest urban area was more than a kilometer away, which is more than sufficient to comply with the law. So Guillermo, our architect, will debate with the authorities and only God knows the outcome of it all.
Obviously the main struggle is taking place on our knees, for we know God is well able to turn the heart of men in the direction He wishes. Please join us in prayer and may the perfect will of God unfold and prevail.
Visitors from Mexico
About five weeks ago two brothers and two sisters came to visit us from the “Christ is the Answer team” working in Mexico. They have been a blessing to us and we had the privilege to commune with them for a few weeks. In fact sister Susana is still with us, working with diligence and serving with passion. God knows we need younger disciples and we are confident He is going to provide us a new generation of passionate pioneers to fill the existing gap. So we rest in His faithfulness and rejoice in His presence. To him be all the glory and all the praises!
Some members of the team with our mexican brothers and sisters
My operation
In a few days or a few weeks I will undergo a total hip replacement on my left side. As you may remember they have intervened on my right hip a year and a half ago and the outcome was an absolute success. Thanks for your prayers.
Ojäjärvi, 11th of September 2019
I am writing this letter from Finland, where we arrived the 28th of August for our annual tour.
The last month spent in Spain was swamped by work due to an unexpected turn of events. In the afternoon of the 23 of July, just as our prayer meeting was finishing, the municipal police came to our camp telling me that we had seven days to leave the lot we were occupying. The ex-mayor, who had lost the election a few weeks earlier, had told us that he was going to ensure the extension of our stay until the end of August. But it seems nothing of it was done. The new Mayor, under the pretext that a tent had to be erected for some activities related to the youth, was now asking us to leave the lot vacant in a record time.
The immediate question was: Where to go? Brother Emilio, who is in charge of all things related to public relations, had attempted to get an authorization in many other towns but without success. Of course it must be understood that scores of factors were against him. First, the month of August is the worst month to seek such authorization since the municipal fairgrounds are used for the annual feast of the town. Secondly, in most towns in this area, the new government had to be formed by a coalition, and in the month of August that formation was not finalized. Added to it, most mayors take their holidays in August. Needless to say, in that state of affairs, no authorizations could be obtained. And to add to the agony, some team members where in holidays which was going to make our move slower and harder.
Brother Emilio
Happily, we had an option left: Chucena. The lot we had occupied there some months earlier belongs to a private owner with whom we are well acquainted. In fact, he and his family have spent Christmas with us a few years ago. So the following day, the 23rd of July, brother Emilio went to meet the owner of the lot. He was very glad when he heard we intended to return to Chucena. The next step was to meet the authorities of the locality. At times this can take weeks. But thank God, Emilio was able to meet right away with the mayor, a woman living next door to José and Maria, two converts who came to know the Lord during our second campaign in Chucena. Without any delay she authorized us and before noon we had the permission to hold a third campaign in Chucena. What a relief! Surely, our God is faithful and well able to direct his people.
The move began right away. We had already dismounted the meeting tent and fortunately the Lord sent a few brothers to assist us in the work. One of them was José from Chucena, another was Vicente from Huelva, a brother of 63 years old coming from Nigeria, strong and very zealous for the advancement of the Kingdom.
William & Vicente
And at last Freddy, a brother frequenting the church of Yecla in the province of Murcia. So our evangelistic campaign is by now going on and there we are, looking for men and women more precious than fine gold, more valuable than the golden wedge of Ophir (Isaiah 13:12).
Manzanilla, 14th of May 2019
I am writing this letter from Manzanilla where we have been for more than a month. The campaign has gone well so far and several contacts have been established. Among them is Antonio, one of our neighbors (see picture below). He comes to all our nightly meetings, soaking the Word with an enthusiasm of his own. His wife and children oppose him daily, but Antonio is adamant, his heart is set on the Kingdom. His thirst for the things of God demonstrates an inner work of grace that God alone can produce. He also frequents the church of Escacena del Campo, a church growing in numbers as the months pass by.
Maria and José—the couple who got converted during our last campaign in Chucena—are frequenting our nightly meetings as well. They also assist our prayer meetings with a heart hungry for God’s presence. It is a joy to see them grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Then there is Sebastian and Luis. We came to know them four years ago during our second campaign in Manzanilla. Sebastian was deeply touched and Lois opened to the Gospel message. We are praying for them with a special drive, for both of them are near the kingdom and there is a spiritual battle going on for their salvation. May God’s Spirit overthrow their fears and doubts and usher them into His courts.
Time would fail me to tell about Pedro and his wife, about Paola and her household, and others who have been touched by the Spirit of grace. Yes! God is at work in many homes and many hearts. Glory to His name!
Departing from the battlefield
Last week my wife Eija and I did a quick trip to Hungary for the memorial service of Jared Worby. Yes! On the 30th of April Jared went to be with the Lord after battling a prostate cancer for nine years. I came to know him in 1975 when I joined the “Christ is the Answer” ministry. From the very start I was united to him being part of his “family”. I was with him in every outreach and with the time I became his right-hand man.
I learned much from him through the years. In 1979 we went together with a little team to establish a work in France, but the project failed due to bureaucratic difficulties. Shortly after, in 1980, we went to do the same in Spain, but this time with success, and this, amid hardships and oppositions of all kinds.
Jared was the kind of person loving pioneering effort. His heart was set to preach the gospel in the regions beyond where the plow had never cut. It was him who did the first move to hold an evangelistic campaign in a locality without any evangelical witness—a practice we continue to this day.
In 1983 we left Spain in view to establish the ministry in Portugal, which was done laboriously and effectively. His legacy is still with us today and shall be a constant reminder of a man who laid down his life to promote the Kingdom. May he rest from all his labor in the presence of the One he loves so dearly.
Please, keep his family in prayer, especially Vanessa and Elisabeth (his daughters) with their respective family, as well as Lidia who had become a daughter to Jared. My heart is united to them with great concern and love. May God strengthen them as He knows how and may His guidance cause them to prosper in His ways.
Vital, Jared and me in 1991
Sharing in Jared memorial
With Jared family & Lidia
With Jared grandchildren
Chucena, 21st of February 2019
We are still profiting from the extended time spend in Chucena to evangelize the surrounding towns and villages. As a result more contacts were made and new effectual doors were opened before us. All this has motivated us to deepen the work we have been doing in this area so far. It has been opportunity on opportunity. Yes! The field has been plowed, deep furrows were made, and the Seed sown; and all this has been watered in prayers and intercessions.
Our next destination will be Manzanilla. Actually we should be there already but on the request of the mayor we had to postpone our move, which explains the reason why we are still in Chucena. But happily we will be able to erect our camp in this locality at the beginning of March. It will be our third campaign there—the first one having been held in 2010. We are therefore looking forward to search the land one more time in view to find the sheep waiting to be rescued.
Our project in Lepe
As most of you already know we are planning to establish a base in the province of Huelva from which we will reach out to establish churches in several communities.
As the months unfold it seems the Lord is leading our steps to Lepe where brother Manuel Pascual and his wife Marlies live. We know them since a few decades and a sweet fellowship has bound us together from the first days. They are missionaries sent from Switzerland and they are about to retire. For some time they have been asking God to send someone else to take over their work. Their dream is to see a church established in Lepe (27.409 inhab.). They own a piece of land which they have been hoping to sell to some missionaries. It seems the Lord has orchestrated everything and here we are, at the door of God’s planning.
A week ago we had a meeting with the authorities of Lepe and it seems our project will be allowed to proceed. The only problem so far is that we can occupy only 10% of the land we will purchase since it is not urbanized, i.e., it is considered an agricultural area. This being the case we might have to buy an extra piece of land to gain space of occupation. If this is the case we are hoping a neighbor could sell us some more ground so we may arrive at a parcel of about 3 hectares. All this is the object of our prayers and we trust God will prosper the project from beginning to end. At the moment we are investigating the law, for at this stage no mistakes can be done.
Happily the Lord has provided people to assist us in our project. One of them is Guillermo; he is an experienced architect and he has been counseling and helping us from the very beginning, and this without charge. Added to it he is well known in this area and knows very many people that can assist us as the needs may require. We are grateful to God for Guillermo. Please keep him in prayer, for he is not a Christian yet, but the Lord is working in his life.
Thank you so much for your concern and solidarity.
Chucena, 18th of December 2018
Three weeks ago, Eija and me arrived in the “Christ is the Answer” camp after traveling for three months, preaching in different churches and sharing about the work in Spain. On our arrival we found the team doing well and in a conquering spirit. It is surely good to be back with our dear brothers and sisters, ready to engage once more in the battle for the lost.
We are still encamped in Chucena where we arrived at the end of July. This is the longest campaign we ever held and its length is mostly due to the open hearts found in the municipality and the need to follow-up with the contacts we made. When we set-up our camp, there was no believers in the locality, but the Lord has prospered our stay and the word of the Lord had impact on several hearts.
Maria and José
On my last letter I introduced Maria and José, a couple that got saved during our campaign here in Chucena. Both of them are doing well, growing in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. We are now giving them weekly teachings in the attempt to prepare them for what is ahead, for to take a stand for the Savior in a place like Chucena is no easy task, a person becomes exposed to criticism and ostracism. Happily, we are going to be in their vicinity for some time, which will grant us the possibility to instruct them in the most fundamental principles of the Christian faith.
Maria and José have also joined the evangelical community in Escacena del Campo, 8 km from Chucena. This will offer them a place of refuge and edification. You may remember that we have held many evangelistic campaigns in Escacena, working with brother David Luque Martinez and his wife Marie, in view to establish a local church. Little by little the Lord is prospering the project and our patience is slowly paying off.
A reminder
As I have written in the past, Escacena del Campo has become a mission point where future believers from different communities will be able to gather, as José and Maria are doing presently. Such towns as Manzanilla, Paterna del Campo, Chucena, Castilleja del Campo, and Carrión de los Céspedes are less than ten kilometers away from Escacena. This little church might be growing slowly, but one thing is certain, it is growing healthily and heartedly, and its location is very strategic. We give thanks to God for this little community which shines brightly in a region where darkness has reigned for hundreds or perhaps thousands of years.
About David and Marie
Please, keep David and Marie in prayer. The mission field requires more of their time but since they have no support David must work six days a week to supply for their daily needs. We, as a team, are attempting to help them as much as we can. Actually they are living with us since a few months and we are also helping them monthly with a very humble donation. Believe me! These are the kind of people worthy of our prayers, for they truly care for the lost and desire earnestly to extend the Kingdom of God in this part of the world.
Our project in Lepe
Keep praying for our project in Lepe. It has been politically accepted, so to speak, but its technical side still needs to be approved which is by far the hardest part. But we are confident that through prayers all oppositions will be overthrown. So let us join ranks and fight the battle on our knees. There is no other way.
Loimaa, 2nd of October 2018
I am writing this letter from Finland where we have arrived on the 28th of August. Our annual tour is going well and as always it is a blessing and a privilege to see the brethren again.
We first visited Finland 34 years ago. Needless to say, many things have changed since then. Many dear brethren have passed away and a brand new generation is taking the leadership of most churches. The challenge they are facing is greater than ever and the worldly decay confronting them is rampant and overwhelming.
Finland—as most countries around the world—needs to hear again the voice of daring prophets. Such a voice is needed not only to address a world in moral ruins but also somnolent Christians often unaware of their real spiritual state. Deplorably, few are they who are willing to put their life on the line to declare the truth of God as it stands, and frankly, I must say, so many moral issues have been tabooed that the one questioning them makes himself a prey—and believe me, the predators are many. All this and more has contributed to create an unhealthy evangelical silence, thriving in the greenhouse of intimidation. Be as it may, God has always kept a remnant for Himself and He is not about to change his custom. This, and little else, is a ray of living hope in a darkened north sky.
The team is presently encamped in Chucena, a locality situated halfway between Seville and Huelva. We arrived in that community at the end of July and should remain there until the 15th of November. The campaign is going well, especially the meetings held in the main square of the city. It is our second campaign in Chucena and—as we have experienced in similar localities—a possibility to deepen the work done previously. Time and again we have seen that this sort of continuity gives birth to lasting results. As the old saying goes: Endurance pierces marble. So there we are, persevering with the pickaxes and tillers as to penetrate a ground untouched for centuries or perhaps millenniums.
The struggle is indeed fierce, for the little communities where we mostly work differ greatly from the larger cities where everybody minds his own business. In a town like Chucena everyone is known and every move is subject to criticism. But happily, some are hungry enough and therefore willing to face the slanders. Such are José and Maria. They have come to know us during our first campaign and are now frequenting our meetings on a regular basis. Yes! The word of God has penetrated deep into their hearts and is now being rooted down as to bear fruit to everlasting life.
Then there is Antonio. He was introduced to us when we were in La Algaba six months ago. Actually he used to own the piece of ground where our camp was set up and the two houses that are erected on it. But thirty years ago he sold everything and went to live in the Dominican Republic to give himself to art, for Antonio is a painter. Now, thirty years later, he was returning with nothing except for a little handbag he was holding in his right hand. Ultimately we were asked if we could help him. He had nowhere to sleep and nothing to eat. At the time we thought he was going to be with us for just a few weeks, but now he has lived in our camp for more than five months and will continue with us until the Spanish government gives him his due pension, for Antonio is 71 years old.
During the past five months Antonio has changed a great deal. His way of thinking has metamorphosed and now we see him with tears in his eyes as we sing songs and lift up prayers. He is now doing some daily work in our camp and helps in what he can with a noble disposition. Much has been done in Antonio’s life and he is very grateful for the help he received. Please, pray for his salvation, for he is not far from the kingdom of God. He will remain with us for a few more months and it would be wonderful to see him surrender his life in God’s hands before leaving us. He is like a ripe fruit awaiting the shaking of prayers to fall.
A new worker
The last member to join our team comes from Iran. He got converted twenty some months ago while living in Greece and decided to come to Spain to serve God with us four months ago. He is already well-integrated and improving with giant steps in the Spanish language. He has already been a blessing to many but he needs our prayers, for while working in Iran he was exposed to X-rays many times a week, which had a very negative influence on his health. Please, keep him in prayer, for beside human assistance he needs help coming from above. And continue to call on God, asking Him to add to our number, for many are the opportunities and we are too few to seize them all. Thank you again for your love and concern.
Escacena del Campo, 30th of June 2018
Sorry for the long period of silence, which is due to the delay my operation provoked and to the pile of work resulting from it. But here I am, with a briefing of what happened during the last two months.
La Algaba
My last newsletter was written in the beginning of our campaign in La Algaba, a campaign that went very well indeed. From the very start the Gospel was preached to a responsive populace and deep furrows were made in the hearts of many, which resulted in the conversion of several people. Most of them are now frequenting the local assembly, being build up in the faith and increasing in the knowledge of God. This is one of our goals: to strengthen the small communities and add new members to their ranks.
We are still praying for La Algaba, asking God to protect the new converts and turn them into powerful witnesses.
Escacena del Campo
From La Algaba we moved to Escacena del Campo, a locality situated in the province of Huelva. As some of you may remember we have a special history with this community. Since 2010 we have held five campaigns in this town and are determined to keep at it until a local church is fully established. The location of Escacena is strategically suitable for that purpose being surrounded by four other towns within a distance of 10 km.
We find our hearts encouraged and challenged by what we can observe. Yes! The work we have invested in the past 8 years has paid off. Today, Escacena del Campo has an absolutely different mindset towards us and the Gospel. People greet us as we pass by, listen to us when we speak, and don’t fear to talk with us in public. I sincerely believe we are near a major breakthrough. The divine wedge is penetrating and it is a matter of time before the rock breaks open.
David & Mari
Another great news has to do with brother David and his wife Mari. Years ago I introduced David to you as the pastor of the embryonic church of Escacena del Campo, a position he occupies since 2009 (one year before we held our first campaign). At the time there was only three Christians in town. Today the little flock counts 8 members and two unconverted churchgoers.
Photo: David & Mari cooking for us
Up to two months ago David and Mari used to travel every Sunday from Camas, near Seville, to Escacena del Campo to hold meetings with these few Christians. But two months ago they decided to move permanently to Escacena where they presently live. As you can imagine this is a very important turn of events in the life of this little church, as well as for the entire municipality. David and Mari want to dedicate their lives to bring the Gospel message to this needy area, manifesting the love and goodness of God to a population ignorant of both.
Needless to say they need prayers and support. Their work will be by faith, trusting in the providence of God. We know them since many years and we are assured their undertaking will be carried out with great seriousness and dedication. Please keep them in prayer.
Two months ago brother Koen Wille from Belgium and his wife Annemie came to visit us with a delegation from their church. They were with us for about ten days and blessed the community from beginning to end. Koen and Michel preached a number of times, challenging the lost and edifying the brethren. The time of fellowship was truly edifying and we are looking forward to receive them in the future.
Photot: From left to right—Hugo, Koen, Josée, Annemie, Hilde, Marina, and Michel.
A few days ago brother Manuel Cabrera came to visit us with his wife Regina. We came to know them 24 years ago while holding a campaign in Santa Fe near Granada. From the first day we met they have blessed and edified us in an uncommon manner. Their unfeigned love and the genuineness of their zeal is a reminder of what God can do with two human lives surrendered to Him.
Photo: Manuel Cabrera’s family, the picture was taken many years ago.
May God help us all to emulate the zeal and devotion of the faithful ones who have trodden this earth and served Him until their very last breath.
La Algaba, 1st of March 2018
A few days ago we finished our move from Espartinas to La Algaba, a locality situated 10 km from Seville. The move went very well although two of our vans broke down and our labor force was reduced to a minimum. Happily, the weather assisted us wonderfully with temperatures reaching as high as 25°C.
Our location
The lot we are occupying is wonderfully situated. On one side we have the Guadalquivir, which passes 10 meters from our camp. On the opposite side we have the greatest concentration of inhabitants found in the city, a humble neighborhood in need of forgiveness.
We are thus looking forward to reach out to the main squares of the city and to invite all those who wander in the highways and hedges, compelling them to come in, that the Lord’s house may be filled.
La Algaba
Here, in La Algaba, there is a little evangelical church led by Eduardo Acosta. His help has been very valuable to us so far and we are looking forward to work with his community in view to proclaim the Gospel to a population of 17.000 inhabitants.
We also got acquainted with Jesus Ramírez (Jesus is a popular name in Spain). He is pastoring a church in Seville and Écija. He was asking me a few days ago if I could prepare a seminar on evangelization for the young people of his community. He seems very impressed by the way we work and wants to collaborate with us as much as his schedule will permit. Actually his home is right next to our camp.
New workers
For a month or so we find ourselves praying for workers more than usual and this, after two married couples left us—one in November and the other in January. Our petition is clear: We need a minimum of three additional brothers and three additional sisters—at least for the time being.
Thankfully, the Lord has already given heed to our request and an Italian brother will join our ranks the 4th of April. His name is Giuseppe (photo on the left). I had the occasion to speak with him on the phone a number of times and he seems to be a serious brother desiring to serve the Master on the frontline. He has already booked his ticket and we are keeping him in prayer.
Then we have sister Roma. She is from Venezuela and wants to come to visit us with the intention to join our team. She is acquainted with brother Enrique Piña, former director of the Christ is the Answer team in the Ukraine. Enrique worked with us in the Iberian Peninsula in the eighties and knows our way of working very well, added to it, Roma is in contact with sister Luisa on a weekly basis.
Please join us in prayer and let’s shake the throne of grace, for surely the harvest is great and the workers very few.
If you are reading these lines and are interested to join our ranks you can contact me at:
A few weeks ago, four members of the Christ is the Answer–team in Italy came to visit us. Their stay was a blessing and an encouragement. Giovanni Cappello and Carmello Valenti were alternating in sharing the word in our nightly meetings and brother Giuseppe and Alfiso blessed us with their testimony. The times of fellowship were truly enriching. May God strengthen and guide each one of them according to their needs.
From left to right: Carmello, Alfiso, Giovanni & Giuseppe
An important prayer request
I don’t know how many of you are aware of the drought taking place in Spain. Here is an excerpt of some news written last September. Notice that hardly any rain has fallen since then. The rainy season in Spain usually finishes at the end of April, so very few weeks are left and the need for water is daily increasing. Here is the excerpt:
“At 43 percent capacity, reservoirs are at their lowest levels in decades according to the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment. They are normally at around 60 percent at this time of year. Springs have even dried up in Galicia in the north east – traditionally one of Spain’s wettest regions. Water reserves are almost 26 percent below the average over the last ten years.
The government has imposed emergency drought measures in some parts of the country.
But, the dry weather has had an unexpected impact in a dozen ancient villages. What was left of the abandoned northern town of Mansilla de la Sierra, in La Rioja, was engulfed with water when a reservoir was created in 1959. But this summer’s dry weather has seen the settlement re-emerge, giving people the opportunity to roam around and even giving some local residents the chance to return to their former homes.
2017 is the third driest year on record, behind 1981 and 2005. According to the State Agency of Meteorology (Aemet), cumulative rain so far this hydrological year (October 1-September 30) is down 12 percent.
Congress is now tasked with adopting a draft law on critically-needed measures to reverse the impact of the drought.”
Espartinas, 26th of December 2017
Back on the front line
A month ago, after having completed our annual Finnish-German tour, Eija and I arrived at the Christ is the Answer camp in Palomares del Rio. As usual the first ten days were quite intense. During our absence the team had been shaken by different events and adverse circumstances and there was an immediate need to regroup. After long days of counseling and ministering, imparting and edifying, the team has been reinvigorated and ready to march on in renewed unity and singleness of purpose. It reminds me of the mental frame found in Judges 20:11, “So all the men of Israel were gathered against the city, knit together as one man.” Surely only God can do such knitting and the result is thoroughly beautiful and wonderful.
A growing obstacle
One of the problems we have been facing in the last two years is the absolute struggle to obtain authorizations to set up our camp. What had been difficult has become nearly impossible due to new laws and additional demands. It is paperwork on paperwork, requirements on requirements, laws at every turn and payments at every corner. The situation is such that we have been hoping to purchase a piece of ground where to station our camp, making it a base from where we could launch out to evangelize. This unexpected reality has led us to a new undertaking and by God’s grace we are facing the challenge with assurance and determination.
Jehovahjireh our provider
Several years ago a brother and close friend of mine had counseled me to develop new measures to evangelize his country. He was already foreseeing the problems we are now experiencing and was telling me we should acquire a lot to anchor our camp permanently. When I told him we had no monetary means to buy such a piece of ground he added he could finance the purchase himself. Of course at the time the problem was not conspicuous, but the turn of events has confirmed his prophetic insight and happily his offer is still valid. For us it means a lot and we are now fully aware that we must seize the opportunity before it is too late.
Having been free to move all over, as the Lord led, for more than 40 years, in absolute freedom—as a boat on the ocean—the thought to let down an anchor permanently was in a sense disconcerting. The question haunted us: Where should our base be? From the start we knew it had to be in a place of great spiritual need, i.e., in an area where there is no evangelical church. But since there are many such places in Spain the answer was not as clear as one would have hoped. So we prayed, calling on God to direct our steps.
Before we had a chance to investigate we were told that a brother, a friend and co-worker, was planning to sell his property (two hectares of land with a house in its midst). He and his wife have been involved in missionary work for many years and their desire was to sell their premises to another missionary couple that could continue their work. Of course they had not heard about our plans and only by God’s grace did we come to know their intention.
In August we met with them to discuss the issue and they were glad to hear our proposal. They told us they would make us a special price. And as if this would not be sufficient they knew the family that offered to help us, although they live 380 km apart. All this to say that in all appearances the Lord seems to be not only involved in the project, but rather the author of it.
The location
To give you a small idea of the site suffice it to say that it is 5 km from Lepe (28.000 inhab.), 5 km from Cartaya (20.000 inhab.), 22 km from Isla Cristina (21.000 inhab.), 25 km from Gibraleon (13.000 inhab.) and 27 km from Ayamonte (21.000 inhab.). All these localities are without an evangelical church, not to mention the municipalities with a smaller population. One of our objectives would be to establish evangelical churches in all these localities. Of course we intent to reach much further than 27 km., added to it, Portugal is only 29 km away with multiple cities to be reached. So as far as mission is concerned we would have a wide field on our doorsteps.
The first step
Since the piece of ground referred to is not urbanized, a long bureaucratic trajectory lays ahead of us. At first we will have to present a summary of our project to the local authorities, that is, a document explaining the reasons why we should occupy an agricultural area to develop our project. From the very start the summary can be accepted or rejected. So please! Join your earnest prayers to ours and let us see what the Lord will do, for Great is the One in whom we trust.
We are grateful for your concern and support and will keep you informed of further developments. Meanwhile, let us fight the good fight. Let us run the race. Let us climb over the walls. And let us proclaim the Gospel by words and deeds!
To Him be the glory for ever.
With our two children: Enos and Sari Leena, 26 dec. 2017
La Puebla del Rio, 12th of August 2017
We are presently in La Puebla del Rio where we began our campaign four weeks ago. The site is absolutely wonderful. All the ships going to Seville pass right next to our camp as they cruise through the Guadalquivir. The sight is quite impressive since these huge ships seem to plow through the field. The Lord willing we should remain here until the beginning of September.
In contrast to most municipalities where we have labored there is an evangelical church in Puebla, which is pastored by brother Frank Benoit (see picture on the right). He has been working in this area as a missionary for the last 30 years together with his wife Salud. We got acquainted with them 18 years ago during our first campaign here, and it is our pleasure to collaborate with them once more
We are also evangelizing in the streets daily as our custom is, and hold street meetings twice a week. At the moment our number is significantly reduced since three families and a single brother are out in vacation and more are going to leave soon. But happily, the words uttered by Jonathan long ago comfort us: “For nothing restrains the Lord from saving by many or by few” (1 Sam. 14:6). So we are beating the bushes diligently to find those who are more precious than fine gold, more than the golden wedge of Ophir (Isaiah 13:12).
Exceedingly hot
The temperatures have somewhat affected our work as well. It has gone as high as 48 degrees. Such a heat changes the life of a community drastically; the activities are reduced to a minimum and we must go to the streets very early and relatively late to meet the inhabitants. Other than that the life in the camp continues as normal. Our children don’t seem to be intimidated by the heat waves and take advantage of their summer activities.
Some of the children in the pool
A special wedding
The 31 of July we had a special weeding under our tent. A sister named Carmen, who divorced her husband more than 20 years ago and got married to Federico a few years later—while her first husband was still alive—came to understand, together with Federico, that their relation was not according to the will of God (see Rom.7:2 & 1 Cor. 7:39). When I told them they should not have marital relations they told me they had already stopped the practice since sometime. But since Carmen’s husband died 12 years ago they were now able to have a licit marriage, which we celebrated under the tent last Monday. The wedding was a real testimony and many people came to be eyes witnesses of this blessed union.
Our next destination
Our next campaign will be in Palomares de Rio. We received the authorization yesterday and we are planning to move our camp there at the beginning of September. There is no evangelical churches there and we are looking forward to labor in this virgin land.
Thank you for your prayers and concern. Your comments encourage us and we are always glad to hear from you.
Coria del Rio, 21st of June 2017
Two weeks ago we finished our campaign in Coria del Rio. Everything went well and we rejoice in Him for His help and guidance. The fight to obtain the permission to occupy the lot was long and arduous, but at last we were well situated and took advantage of that wonderful site. The residential area where our camp was had not been reached by the local believers and they were glad to know we were laboring in the heart of an unreached suburb.
Right in front of our camp there was a public school for children which draw a large number of parents twice every morning, for here in Spain parents escort their children to the school gate every morning and return to take them back home. This social event has participated to publish our presence quickly and efficiently.
Local believers attended our nightly meetings and unbelievers were exposed to the gospel message. Here, in Coria del Rio, there are several Christians that don’t congregate anywhere and their needs are many. So we found ourselves counseling, exhorting, teaching and encouraging these scattered sheep. Indeed it has been a strenuous labor and one demanding divine guidance.
Working under the burning sun
At the moment we are working on maintenance. So much work needs to be done that the work crew cannot cope with it all. Consequently we are investing a few weeks to repaint some of our containers, fix some of our equipment, and build awnings. The work is proceeding wonderfully and we are looking forward to see the results of our effort.
Our next destination
In about a week we are going to move to Puebla del Rio. Brother Emilio Gabas—our public relations representative—had to work for nine long months to obtain the permission, and this with the help of brother Frank Benoit, pastor of the evangelical church in Puebla del Rio. The bureaucratic demands are becoming so difficult to meet that only by God’s amazing guidance are we able to cope with them all.
Emilio Gabas
This move will be quite intense due to the fact that it will be done under the scorching sun, at a temperature approaching 46 degrees. In plus of it some brothers will be absent, so those who remain will have to toil more onerously. But we trust God will renew our strength and make us fit for the work.
The holiday season has already begun. Here in Christ is the Answer-Spain we have 20 days a year. Some disciples go to visit their family, others take that time to chill out, and others keep on working to finish urgent projects. This will be my lot this year as well as the one of my wife Eija. We must invest several weeks to build awnings since many of them got destroyed due to their age as well as to a storm that hit us last March.
Enjoy the summer to the full and drop us a line. It is always a pleasure to hear from you guys.
Isla Mayor, 27th of March 2017
In a few days we are going to leave Isla Mayor. Our time here has been pretty rough. It was to be expected since our last campaign was held 18 years ago. After such a long period one must start from zero, the plow must cut deep and one must work hard to subdue the wild.
The rain and wind were also an impediment, slowing down our effort considerably. The community, being situated in a very flat area—only four meters above sea level—and surrounded by rice fields as far as one can see offers little protection. When the storms hit it is like to be on the open sea. The squalls struck often and relentlessly, destroying four of our awnings; but happily our meeting tent stood firm throughout the campaign.
Our nightly meetings were highlighted by groups of teenagers that came at regular intervals during the first month. Many of them were exposed to the gospel message, not only under the tent but in the streets as well. Their willingness to listen was an encouragement for us and we trust some seeds have fallen on good ground and will germinate in due time.
We also found Ana, a woman who had been in drugs many years before giving her life to Jesus. When we met her she was downhearted and despairing. The preoccupations and problems of life had crushed all her hopes.
The first night she came to our meeting her faith was hanging by a thread. She was absolutely delighted to meet us and was like a little girl opening her Christmas gift. In a subsequent meeting she met sister Sari (a local believer) and was so happy to realize there was two other Christians in town. Being that Sari and her husband frequent an evangelical church in Sevilla, they have offered to take Ana with them every Sunday.
A few days ago Sari invited our sisters for a women meeting in her home and Ana was present. She was participating and quite encouraged. We are grateful to God for His care and faithfulness. Please keep Ana in prayer and may the Lord restore her mental and spiritual health.
The brotherhood
We had also visitors from Camas, Huelva, Gelves and Escacena del Campo. These brethren were faithfully heartening us, and surely their love and solidarity will not be soon forgotten. They preached, testified, and sang, participating in the battle with eager hearts and fervent spirits.
Nocturnal agitators, usually drunk and drugged, have perturbed the weekends. Rocks and lemons were thrown into the camp, braking windows of trucks and containers. Some belts, used to anchor the meeting tent, were also cut and a few things stolen. All this is to be expected when one fights on the frontline, disturbing sinners with the light of the Gospel. But it is for them we came and for them we will shall continue to intercede.
Coria del Rio
Our next destination will be Coria del Rio. There is an evangelical church there with which we worked 18 years ago. It will be our pleasure to renew the fellowship with these dear brethren and to be stirred up by their love and good works. Brother José María Santos Asián is still there as pastor and has been an important help to secure us a lot where to set up our camp.
The campaign we held there—nearly two decades ago—had gone very well. Each weekend our camp was literally flooded by young people willing to listen the Glad Tidings of salvation. These youths are now men and women, many of them fathers and mothers. They might not remember us right now but we pray that our presence might awaken some old memories that will help us to find some soft spots in their hearts.
A Bird Sanctuary
As I have mentioned a few months ago, Isla Mayor is on the edge of Doñana, one of the most important natural parks of Spain. It serves as a refuge for numerous species of birds. I was able to invest a few mornings to give myself to bird photography. I leave you with a few pictures I took during the last two months. They were all taken with a Canon zoom lens EF 70-300 1:4 – 5.6 IS USM. That means I had to be very close to the subject, sometimes as close as three meters.
May God keep you safe until the Final Day.
Barn Owl
Barn Owl
Night Heron
Common Buzzard
Common Buzzard
Common Kestrel
Glossy Ibis
Great Egret
Great Egret
Short-eared Owl
Short-eared Owl
Short-eared Owl
Little Egret
Isla Mayor, 7th of February 2017
Already two months have past since my last letter. There is so much to do that sometimes one doesn’t know where to begin.
We moved our camp to Isla Mayor three weeks ago. The move was quite a challenge due to several mechanical problems, but the Lord brought us through and here we are, declaring the Glad Tidings.
Isla Mayor is truly a challenge, which is due in part to its remote location, but more so because of its strong Catholic influence which is embedded in its population in the form of religious folklore mixed with an amazing sense of idol worship.
A major change
The circumstances here are very different than those we had in Camas. There are only two Christians in town (a married couple) with whom we are already united in spirit. They belong to a church in Seville—45 minutes drive from here—but also frequent the community of Aracena, two hours drive from their home. As you may remember we have pioneered in Arecena several years ago to establish this Christian community, so as you can imagine this common ground draws us near.
Facing challenges
After we arrived in Isla Mayor we put-up our camp as our custom is and were then told we could not erect the big tent since we were occupying more space than the authorities had anticipated. They suggested we could put it up on another lot. Needless to say this was going to complicate our campaign exceedingly. We attempted to plead our cause, telling them we could restructure a part of our camp to make it smaller, but they were adamant, our tent, they insisted, could not be put-up on the same location than our camp. But gladly, after we had prayed for two days, we were told we could set it up next to our camp as intended in the beginning. Again, as so often in the past, the Lord had turned the circumstances around in some mysterious way. We don’t know what caused the authorities to change their mind so quickly, but surely the Lord has been involved in this unexpected victory.
A perfect location
We are also grateful to the Lord for the location He gave us. There is an apartment building facing our camp which is inhabited by a large number of modest citizens. Obviously we want to reach all of Isla Mayor, but we are well aware we have a mission field a few meters from our camp. We are planning to do some children meetings for them, for such meetings have proven to be very effective in winning the humble hearts. Please keep these people in prayer, for the public opinion often has the tendency to intimidate many, keeping them away from the door of salvation. May God grant them the boldness and determination needed.
The team
As for us we are doing well, enjoying the privilege we have to minister the Gospel to the needy. Our main problem can be resumed in these few words: “the harvest is truly great but the laborers are few”. Anyhow we are encouraged and struggle to get the work done amidst opposition of all sorts.
We want to express our appreciation for the help many of you have provided for us. These wintery months are always the most expensive of the year, but it has been wonderful to observe the solidarity of many. May our common Redeemer reward you in the way He will choose.
Camas, 2nd of December 2016
Well… it is good to be back home. We arrived on November 18th in the late afternoon after driving all day under an appreciated beaming sun. As every year, it was a joy to meet everyone and find them standing on firm ground.
The team is still in Camas, on the edge of Seville, and we are planning to stay here until the beginning of the year. The local brethren continue to assist our meetings and their voice of appreciation is indeed encouraging. After having worked for nearly 10 years in places without churches, it is our pleasure to experience daily the fellowship with local believers.
These last two weeks have been very special for Juan. He is from Escacena del Campo where we came to know him more than three years ago. At the time we had long talks with him and he was somewhat open to the gospel message. However, he never surrendered to the Master and his life was spent in drugs, intertwined with alcohol and immorality.
When he came to us a few months ago he was wretched and running out of hope. We helped him to get to a Christian Center for detoxification where he stayed for a few months. After passing difficult experiences he returned to us somewhat frustrated, not really knowing what to do. After talking together we counseled him to come and spend a few weeks with us. Soon after, as out of nowhere, the Lord took hold of him and Juan came to us crying like a baby telling us Jesus had set him free. This was about ten days ago and he has been high in spirit ever since.
He comes to our prayer meeting every morning. Actually, he is one of the first to arrive. He reads his Bible as one seeking food for survival. During our nightly meetings he sings and praises God as if nobody else was there. Today he asked me if he could get baptized.
Please, keep Juan in prayer as he is but a vulnerable baby in the Lord. Much time will be needed to confirm him in the faith, but we are glad to have him near and to be able to shield him with our love.
Reaching out to other localities
During the following weeks we are going to reach out to nearby cities. Such localities as Valencina de la Concepción, Olivares, Salteras, and Castilleja de Gusmán will be the object of our effort. Personal evangelization, street meetings, and meetings in halls will be means by which we intend to reach our immediate objective. During the weekends we will continue to evangelize in Camas, closing the days with a meeting under the tent. Other activities will also be carried out, such as a seminar about the inquisition in Seville and another directed to the youth of the local churches of camas.
Samuel and Camilla
A few days ago Samuel and Camilla came to talk with me expressing their desire to join our team. They will get married in their church, in Huelva, in the beginning of April and should join our ranks sometime in May. We are grateful to God for this reinforcement, which will be greatly appreciated, for surely the harvest is great and the workers very few.
Thanks for your prayers, help and concern.
Espoonlahti, 29th of October 2016
Our Finnish tour is already coming to an end. We have only two meetings left: one in Karhula in the Southeast of Finland this evening, and another one in Seutula near Helsinki on Sunday. It has been a time loaded with wonderful experiences and blessings.
Like every year, our last days here are quite busy. It is visits upon visits, running here and there to get everything done. Happily, the snow has not come yet. With our summer tires the wintery conditions are not very welcome.
Our next destination will be Germany where we are going to hold a series of meetings among Italian churches. Last year we were there for the second time and the fellowship with the brethren was simply wonderful. We had seven meetings in eight days, just enough to have a good taste of it.
When I am with these brethren I often flash back to my debut because I began my missionary life in Italy. I spent five years in this beautiful country, a period full of wonderful memories. In fact, it was during that time I met brother Pino. We were close friends then as we are now, and it is our privilege to have him and Maria Pia—his wife—as our hosts.
This year sister Nella from Italy will be flying from Spain to Germany to be my translator. She is looking forward to it and I am sure she will do a great job.
We should be back in Spain around the 17 of November. The team will still be in Camas near Seville where they spent the last two months. The campaign there went extremely well. The brethren assisted us beyond expectation, getting involved from the very start and maintaining the pace till the very end.
We were also able to extend our permission and should stay there until the beginning of January. Camas will thus become the base from which we intend to reach out to localities where we were not allowed to set up our camp. This might become our strategy in the province of Seville since it is much harder to obtain permissions in this part of Spain.
The team
The team is doing well and we are looking forward to battle through the winter. I give thanks to God for the brothers and sisters I have the privilege to serve with. It has been an amazing experience through the decades and I believe the best is still ahead. The Lord is not finished with us and I am looking forward to see what He is about to do next. If the apostle John had his greatest spiritual experience when he was more than 90 years old, there is no reason we should settle for less.
Loimaa, 23rd of September 2016
Little will be written about the work in Spain while I am in Finland, for I find it nearly impossible to write news coming from a third party. All I know is that the team is presently in Camas, a city of 28 thousand inhabitants, just outside of Seville. There are a few evangelical churches there and everyone is glad to work with them in the proclamation of the Kingdom.
The Finnish tour
As for Eija and me, we are continuing our 32nd Finnish tour. During these visits, we usually share some news about the work and preach the word to edify and challenge the brotherhood.
Through the years we visited more than a hundred different Finnish churches and held more than 830 meetings. We drove more than 250,000 km., nearly seven times around the earth, and made thousands of acquaintances as well as friends with whom we can speak more intimately. Needless to say, these tours have enriched our lives, and we are grateful to God for His goodness and care.
A prayer request
As many of you know, I have had problems with my hips for several years. Eight months ago I applied for a surgery but because I want to be operated with the AMIS method—a method relatively new and more effective than the traditional one—things have delayed more than expected. At first, I was told this surgical procedure didn’t exist in Spain, but a few weeks ago the General Director of Sanitary Assistance told me the new method is being practiced in Seville. Consequently, I transferred my papers from Huelva to Seville and was told I should be operated around the month of March. Of course, it will be the surgeon who will decide the method to be applied.
When I will be back in Spain I will meet with him and plead to be operated with the AMIS procedure. Our prayer is that the surgeon will approve it and operate both hips during the same intervention.
Here are the things to pray for:
1) That they operate me with the AMIS method.
2) That both hips will be operated during the same intervention.
3) And that they will operate me as soon as possible.
Thank you for your loving concern.
Ojajärvi, 26th of August 2016
Eija and I have arrived in Finland yesterday morning after traveling for four days. The trip was somewhat adventurous and full of contrast. We passed from 36 degrees Celsius to 12 degrees in 24 hours.
In Germany the Lord rescued us from a possible accident that would have culminated in an absolute tragedy. We were driving on the autobahn at 140 km an hour—a reasonable speed on German highways—and were about to pass a car when suddenly another car overtook us from our right, forcing its way between us and the car we were about to pass. The reckless driver shoved us out of our lane as to push us against the railing. The daredevil move was absolutely unexpected since the car we were about to pass was less than a meter and a half in front of us and was driving about 120 km an hour. To make things worse it was raining and the vehicle in front of us lifted a lot of water reducing the visibility considerably. Before I knew it I was forced to swerve to my left just to find out that the lanes were curving to the right, which obliged me to skew right back to avoid crashing against the railing, nearly loosing the control of the vehicle. All this happened so quickly that only afterward did we realize the criminality of the suicidal driver who disappeared in the rain at a lightning speed.
If it had not been the Lord who was on our side when all this happened, if it had not been the Lord who was on our side, then the tragedy would have swallowed us alive, when the devil’s wrath was kindled against us (see Psalm 124:1–3).
God’s gifts to us
Anyway! All this is past history and we are presently with our friends Markku and Vellamo Kantonen in one of the most beautiful locations in Finland. They are hosting us in their summer cottage as their custom has been through the years, and as always, the place grants us the winsomeness of the Finnish nature.
This morning Vellamo met a moose while picking lingonberries a few hundred meters from the cottage. This sort of happenings are quite common in Pohjanmaa and Vellamo was happy it was not a female bear with her cubs.
Today we ate the succulent mushrooms which were picked yesterday in less than 15 minutes. Here the nature offers such a variety of deliciousness that one can only give thanks to God for His generosity and kindness.
Sunday the 28th we will begin our tour. It is always a blessing to meet old friends and share our respective experiences.
The team next destination
The team is just about to move to Camas on the outskirts of Seville. There are a few evangelical churches there and it will be our pleasure to join ranks with them in view to proclaim the Glad Tidings of salvation. For us it will be a time of refreshing since we normally work where there is no evangelical church. We love the brotherhood and count it a privilege to collaborate with them in such a noble task as the one set before us.
Join your prayers to ours as we call on God to give us some more workers. The Lord of the harvest is presently dealing with some youngsters that are considering joining our ranks. We surely need an infusion of youthful energy and our Captain knows it very well. Alleluia! On Him we have rested all these years and shall continue to do so until the Final Day.
Espartinas, 10th of July 2016
We have just finished our move from Umbrete to Espartinas. The Lord has provided a beautiful lot for us which belongs to a private owner. This means that there will be no municipal taxes to pay. Added to it the City Hall will reduce the water and electric bill as an act of solidarity. Surely our Captain is still able to go beyond our expectations and break historical patterns.
At the moment we are still setting up our camp under the scorching sun. We also have to deal with a draining problem since the closest entrance to the sewer system is 90 meters away and two meters higher than our camp. Consequently we had to dig a hole to collocate a tank that will be emptied by means of a pump.
The Lord willing, our evangelistic campaign should start next week. There are no evangelical churches in Espartinas so we will be back pioneering as our custom is.
Outdoor evangelism
We are especially looking forward to evangelize in the streets and squares since the weather is very propitious for outdoor activities, especially in the evenings.
During our stay in Umbrete we were not permitted to do open-air meetings, but after the general election, held on the 26th of June, the authority finally authorized us to proclaim the Glad Tidings with the help of an amplification system. So we will alternate our evangelistic efforts between Espartinas and Umbrete since they are only 5 km apart.
What a privilege we have to be able to proclaim the Way of Salvation to a lost generation; to experience the divine anointing as the Spirit gives us utterance; and to work together with the One whose glory overwhelmed the apostle John on the island of Patmos. Surely, no greater honor can be bestowed upon a mortal on this side of eternity.
The Lord’s protection
“The angel of the Lord encamps all around those who fear Him, and delivers them” (Psalm 34:7).
Three weeks ago, sister Sirpa from Finland had a major car accident which could have left her dead in a blink of an eye. She had brought Luisa to Portugal for some examinations following her breast cancer. On her way back she lost the control of the car and was propelled into a field where the vehicle rolled over several times before coming to a halt. Needless to say, the car was absolutely destroyed but amazingly Sirpa came out of it nearly intact. She had only few scratches and a minor neck problem. She is presently under treatment and everything is nearly back to normality. As the apostle Paul rightly declares, “All the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us” (2 Cor. 1:20).
Jemina and Levi’s wedding
The wedding I was referring to on my last newsletter turned out to be a wonderful day. The Lord’s presence was with us as well as His blessing. Perhaps the water was not changed into wine yet a miracle took place and two people became one flesh. Only God can do such unification.
About the blog
A new submenu named ‘Newsflash’ will be added under the Christ is the Answer option on the menu bar. You will find therein recent news expressed in few words and directed to those of you who would like to follow our life and needs more closely. Obviously not everything important or interesting can fit on a classic newsletter.
Please keep us in prayer and may the Lord sustain and prosper you throughout the summer.
Umbrete, 29th of May 2016
Sorry for having delayed so long to give you an update. I was waiting to know our future better, but since everything has been dragging for more than a month the time has come to write you a few lines.
Our last move
More than a month ago we moved from Escacena del Campo to Umbrete. The move was quite problematic and what is usually done in three days took us a week and a half. First we had a problem with one of our trucks, then the rain turned our camp into a mudhole—which made it impossible for our trucks to proceed—and to crown it all the move came to an halt when the authorities of Umbrete told us more documentation were needed to put up our camp.
The latest problem occurs due to the fact that Umbrete belongs to the province of Seville. For the past eight years we had been working in the province of Huelva, and little did we know that a change of province could engender so many difficulties.
Until a month ago the authorities were only asking us the safety certificate of the big tent, and an insurance covering the people coming to our nightly meetings. But here, in Umbrete, they also asked us a legal documentation for our living quarters, and insisted that they had to be insured.
This petition was nearly impossible to meet since we had built these living quarters ourselves; consequently they are not homologated. But since God is amazingly faithful He once more came to our rescue, and we were able to obtain everything they had required.
When we went to the authorities to present all these documents, we were told they will have to come and inspect our camp before authorizing us to begin our evangelistic campaign. After about ten days they finally came—that is yesterday—and required minor adjustments. At the moment everything seems positive and we should be able to begin our campaign shortly.
Beautiful opportunities
However, during these long weeks we haven’t been idle. We seized the opportunity to evangelize the surrounding localities. In fact, perhaps God permitted this long delay so we may reach out to the localities where we won’t be able to set up our camp, for another problem we have been facing in the province of Seville has to do with a tax that needs to be paid to occupy a lot—a tax that amounts to more than 10,000 Euros. In the past we were exempt from these dues being a non-lucrative association. But now we are told things have changed and everybody must pay it.
As you understand, this monetary requirement has closed several doors for us, and sadly enough most localities demand it. In that light, the opportunity we had to reach out to several communities becomes even more meaningful.
All in all we cannot complain for the Lord is with us and enables us to continue to proclaim the Gospel in one way or another. We have also asked the authorities of Umbrete to extend our authorization. If our request is accepted we will remain here for another month and a half. Please join your prayers to ours and let us call on the supreme King so He may keep the doors of Umbrete open for several weeks.
An upcoming wedding
We are going to have a wedding on the fourth of June. Levi and Jemina will be united in holy matrimony. Levi comes from Portugal. He is the oldest son of Americo and Luisa. We have seen him grow in our midst and it will be our pleasure to be with him on this special day. Jemina comes from Finland. Her parents spent two years in the team before she was born, and she worked with us one year in which period she met Levi. So we are well acquainted with both of them and we are looking forward to rejoice on that special day.
Let us keep this future young couple in prayer, for as we all know, the families are under attack nowadays and we Christians are called from God to lift up the original standard high for all to see.
May God continue to sustain you, guiding your every step in His perfect path.
Escacena del Campo, 14th of March 2016
The past month has been loaded with blessings, and we find ourselves encouraged and motivated to proceed with axe in hand, clearing the darkened land and plowing grooves into the flinty soil.
What can be more glorious than to make furrows in such virgin ground and see the Seed taking root in broken hearts? This is our privilege and we are holding to it with both hands. Yes! To us the grace has been given to work together with Him, bringing Life where death has reigned with despotism for millenniums.
Marching on
Although the battle makes progress difficult, we are still marching forward under God’s grace and heavenly visitations. Some might say we are advancing as turtles, but we take it as a compliment. In fact, we discovered we have another affinity with turtles, like them we must stick our neck out to progress. Of course we were not the first ones to find it out. Jesus, the Prophets and the Apostles had realized it long before us. Yet the discovery remains unknown for many evangelicals who still attempt to make headway without sticking their neck out. Let’s learn from the turtles and make strides while it’s day, for soon the night will be on us and great opportunities will have passed us by.
Recent contacts
During this past week three more people have identified themselves with us, which is not a small thing in pioneering work. They come to our nightly meetings with an open heart, absorbing the divine counsel as an arid land does the rain. Hence greenness appears where there was dryness, and rays of hope where there was depression and despair.
One of them is Loli. We have had contacts with her several times in the past, yet with little apparent impact. Then bit by bit we came to know her family situation, which seems utterly chaotic and calling for a miracle. In fact, a few weeks ago, she attempted to commit suicide as disheartenment had overwhelmed her mind and heart. But in the beginning of March, out of the blue, she began to come to our meetings with her ears locked on the singing and preaching.
It is way too early to shout victory, but the Lord is obviously ministering to her life. It is “precept upon precept, line upon line, line upon line, here a little, there a little” (Isaiah 28:10). It is this sort of steady imparting that breaks rocks and levels down mountains.
We still have a long way to go with Loli, but a long way we will go since the Spirit incites us to persevere against all odds and reach victory. There is no other way. Please keep her in prayer, for the devil will surely strike back as his custom is. Let us seize the shield and sword and fight for her salvation.
Javi (Loli’s son-in-law) has been frequenting our nightly meetings all week. The very first night one of our brothers was able to talk at length with him and found out he was addicted to drugs and bound by all sorts of vices. In fact his relation with his mother-in-law has been very ugly. We were fully aware that only a miracle would be sufficient to pull him out of the devil’s maw. But happily, this is precisely the business of our God. He alone can “raise up the poor out of the dust, and lift up the beggar from the dunghill, to set them among princes, and to make them inherit the throne of glory” (1 Sam. 2:8).
Last night, Javi gave his life to Jesus and asked us to bless his family which was also present. Salud, his wife, is also very open and on the verge of conversion. They have three beautiful children and we were overjoyed to bless them in the name of the Lord. Let us call on God to protect each one of them and flood their home with grace and salvation.
Then there is Juan. He had already opened up to the Gospel message during one of our previous visits. At the time he had begun to congregate with the little flock of Escacena, but to our dismay he slowly drew back and stopped to frequent the weekly meetings.
Last year, during our campaign, he was avoiding us altogether. But God’s purpose is not so easily frustrated and a week ago one of our brothers met him in Paterna del Campo (two kilometers from Escacena). They were able to converse in depth and as a result Juan began to frequent our nightly meetings again. He also invited brother David Luque Martinez—pastor of the little flock in Escacena—to come and share a meal with him in his house. Last night Juan was assisting our meeting and we were able to pray with him for salvation.
This sudden returning is very meaningful and we are ministering to him on a daily basis. Again patience is needed and prayer crucial. Please! Don’t forget to present Him before the throne of grace, for he needs all the help he can get.
A happy news
The greatest news of our big family is the operation of sister Sari. She has suffered a setback for several years due to an inflammation of the bursitis which became chronicle, thus engendering several side problems resulting in a state of near inactivity. She was finally operated the third of March. The surgery went particularly well and the bursitis was removed. She is now recovering in the home of a sister in Huelva. Her recuperation is doing fine and we are looking forward to have her back in our camp in a few days.
Claire & Daniel
We have also the joy to host Claire and Daniel from Switzerland. Claire had spent some time with us three years ago and was a blessing then as she is now. She got married to Daniel last year and we are enjoying their presence and their help. It is always a privilege to observe young workers willing to serve the Master from the heart. May the Lord bless them both and make them fruitful for the Kingdom.
Escacena del Campo, 28th of Jan. 2016
The last month has been quite busy but at last I am able to bring you update on the latest news.
Our new challenge
We have just finished the move from Hinojos to Escacena del Campo. Our plan was to go to Almonte but the Lord decided otherwise and here we are, on the same location we have already occupied three times in the past six years. We believe the Lord has a purpose in all this and we find ourselves watching and praying to see the manifestation of God’s grace in the lives of many.
Our camp in Escacena del Campo (April-March 2015)
As I have told you in the past, there is already an evangelical enclave in Escacena del Campo and we are looking forward to add to their numbers. When we came here the first time there was only three believers. Since then one of them has passed away and three others have been added to their ranks, not to mention the several contacts that have been made during our last campaigns. As a whole the town has become more receptive to the Gospel and we are determined to continue to dig in, fertilizing the soil with prayer, the words of our testimony, and good works.
In Paterna del Campo—two kilometers from Escacena—lives a family we have come to know four months ago. The man owns the lot we have occupied in Chucena last September-October. He was at the time very helpful and well disposed to hear the Gospel message. On Christmas Eve his whole family came to eat with us and we had the opportunity to make deep furrows in their hearts. At the time they were asking us to come to Escacena. Little we knew their request would be granted so quickly. Please keep them in prayer, for they are not far from the kingdom of God.
Our stay in Escacena will also give us the opportunity to meet Sebastian more regularly. As you may remember he got converted last summer when we held our campaign in Manzanilla. He still needs special attention and we believe this period will be propitious for his growth and progress.
There is also Eva—Sebastian’s daughter—with whom we have had several talks in the past. She has shown herself open to the Glad Tidings and we pray God will draw her closer to Himself during these following two months. In pioneering work every opportunity must be treasured and nourished with wisdom and discernment. And as the apostle Paul wrote: And who is sufficient for these things?
Miguel and Ana
Last week I traveled to Elche, near Alicante, and spent a few days there with the brethren. We had the occasion to meet Miguel and his wife Ana. Both came to know the Lord through our ministry in 1982 and served in the “Christ is the Answer-ministry” for sometime. Through the years they have become dear to us and we give thanks to God to have such brethren as coworkers and fellow soldiers.
During the last five years they have been ministering to prisoners detained in a penitentiary near Caudete where they used to live. Miguel is ministering to the men and Ana to the women. Both of them have proved to be at the height of the difficulties involved and several prisoners came to the faith through their ministry. But a year ago they had to move to Elche for family reasons and must now travel 80 km to reach the penitentiary and as much to return home. For years we have been praying for them on a daily basis and we now beseech you to join your prayers to ours, for they are indeed serving sacrificially people living in overwhelming needs.
The team
As far as the team is concerned God is still working on us and happily through us as well. We are very grateful for His patience and mercy and for all the opportunities He gives us to serve Him and learn at His side. Such a privilege is indeed awe-inspiring and sets us daily in front of overwhelming responsibilities. But thank God, the Spirit of grace is unfailingly present and sustains us in times of need which are indeed many.
I want to take this occasion to introduce the last person who joined our team. I am referring to Dan Bauwens, son of Noé and Noemi, who was born on the 20th of December. He weighed 4.180 kilograms at birth and remained in good health ever since. May the Lord cause him to grow in His ways and lead him to salvation in his early years.
Thank you
Before closing we want to express our gratefulness to all of you who support us financially, spiritually, and ministerially, and this in manifold ways. Your concern is not only encouraging but also comforting and profitable. May the Lord reward you and supply to your needs.
Together in the Fight until the final Day.
Hinojos, 11 December 2015
Eija and me are finally back in Spain. We have arrived about three weeks ago after spending a wonderful time in Germany with the brethren. We had seven meetings in eight days in such cities as Cologne, Wuppertal and Oberhausen. Brother Joel, pastor of the Italian church in Wuppertal, had organized our meetings and we are grateful for his assitance and help.
Brother Mateo, pastor of the Italian community in Cologne, was explaining to the congregation how he got saved under the “Christ is the Answer” tent in Italy in 1980. He was then living in Foggia, and Maria Pia had witnessed to him in a bus. After the meeting he was showing us some very old editions of “Grido di Battaglia”, a magazine printed by our team in Italy. He new my sister Julienne and was surprised to hear I was her brother. We are looking forward to meet these brethren next fall the Lord willing.
Pastor Joel and his wife on the left / Pino and Maria Pia on the right
Pino and Maria Pia
It was wonderful to be hosted by Pino and Maria Pia. Their home is soaked in Christian values and their door open to anyone in need of counsel and encouragement.
During our stay we had the opportunity to make acquaintance with brothers and sisters from Albania, Iran, and Egypt. Their testimony was simply overwhelming. A young sister from Egypt was telling us how her family had poured fuel on her when they heard of her conversion, “but happily,” she said, “they never set me on fire.”
Our camp is presently set up in Hinojos, 15 kilometers from Almonte and from Escacena del Campo. In Almonte—where we held a campaign six years ago—there is an embryonic church of six members, three of them having been converted through our ministry. In Escacena—where we have held three campaigns in the last six years—there is also a mission point with six Christians as well.
This is our first campaign in Hinojos and everything is going rather slow. We are busy cutting spiritual trees through prayers, witnessing, and good works, and this in view to prepare an eventual field where we will sow the precious Seed. Through the years we are getting used to this first phase of pioneering activities, and we trust God for a good prospect in the years ahead.
The team
Luisa and Américo are also back with us. Luisa is doing fine and has returned to her normal schedule as if nothing has happened… or almost so J. It is absolutely wonderful to see her and everybody serving the Lord with joy. Surely it is a great privilege to be able to serve the Master with such a gang as these.
Last night Luisa was reading publicly from her diary during our nightly meeting. The entrances had been written during the year spent out of the team due to a metastatic breast cancer. It was wonderful to hear about the faithfulness of our God in minute details, details which often escape human attention. One thing is sure, when the Lord is in a story, even a ‘sad story’ can be metamorphosed into something glorious. This is the way He works and it is overwhelmingly beautiful.
Tonight we will have a special feast to mark the 25th wedding anniversary of Luisa and Américo. As the song says: “Time is passing by”.
Luisa and Américo
The family Bauwens is expecting a second child. Noemí should give birth any time soon and Zoe awaits with patience the coming of her little brother. May the Lord bless and protect mother and child.
The Bauwens
We have also two new disciples in the team. One of them is José. The Lord has rescued him from drugs and prisons some years ago and has put a desire in his heart to serve his Redeemer. The other one is Sari Korpela. She was a member of our team when she was a teenager, i.e., a few decades ago. She has now come with her daughter Aliisa to spend a year with us. We are grateful to God for every disciple we get. So much work needs to be done.
Sari and Aliisa
What we need around here is people willing to put their hands to the plough without looking back. May José and Sari be such servants, moved by the Pioneer Spirit in the midst of a land to be conquered. And may the Master of the Harvest help us to be examples to them of what a servant is, in words and deeds.
Please keep us all in prayer. We need it.
With gratefulness and appreciation.
Espoonlahti, 2 November 2015
We have finally completed our tour in Finland. We had our last meeting yesterday and we are now busy making our last visits and packing our stuff.
With François Abellan
Last Friday we had the joy to spend some time with François Abellan, a dear friend and co-worker in the service of the Captain. Several years ago (around 1993) he was working with the “Christ is the Answer” ministry in Spain where he met his wife Taru. In the years 2012/13 the Lord used them both to consolidate the church of Aracena . He was by then working as a missionary sent by a Swedish church. As some of you may remember, Taru died suddenly in the spring of 2014, leaving François with four children. This tragic death obliged François to return to Sweden with his family where he now live and continue to serve the Master. We met him with three of his children, experiencing moments of warm and beautiful fellowship.
Good News
Following the breast cancer Eija had last year, she was summoned for a revision which took place the 27th of October, i.e., a week ago. The results were excellent and we give thanks to God for His mercy and goodness.
In two days we are going to leave for Germany where we will hold several meetings in a short period of eight days. It will be an intense time but surely edifying as well. Brother Pino Trivieri and his wife Maria Pia will host us. They were both working with the “Christ is the Answer” ministries more than 20 years ago and we are looking forward to spend a blessed season together.
Returning to Spain
On the 17th of November we will head back to Spain. At the moment the team is moving from Chucena to Hinojos. It will be our first visit in this locality. There is no evangelical church there; so it will be hands on the axe and resolve in the heart from the very start. But we know His grace will be upon us and strength generously provided.
We appreciate your prayers on our behalf and your intercession for the inhabitants of Hinojos. Let us stay focused until the end, rejoicing in the works of His hands.
Together in the Fight.
Loimaa, 17th of September 2015
I am writing this news from Finland where we have arrived on the 26th of August. We held ten meetings so far in Etelä-Pohjanmaa where we lived for two weeks.During our stay we domiciled in a little summer cottage situated by a lake, sharing the tranquility with whooper swans and tits, common cranes and thrushes, as well as moose and divers. Furthermore we enjoyed delicious mushrooms and succulent blueberries. Unfortunetely, due to the warm weather, the lingonberries were not ripe yet. The Kantonen family was warmly hosting us and we are grateful to God for their lives and service.
We are well acquainted with this part of Finland. Eversince 1987 we have yearly visited several churches there and through the decades many brethren have become dear to us. We slept in their homes, enjoying long hours of fellowship which became richer through the years. Those who were little children during our early visits are now married, some of them being pastors or youth leaders.
Last night we were visiting a church where the elder leading the meeting told us he had written to me when he was eighteen years old to join the Christ is the Answer team. I had answered him, he told, but the circumstances of life changed and he was unable to come. He is now forty-three. All this reminds us that time is passing and what remains of our eathly life is more precious than the gold of Ophir.
In any case to get older is glorious for as the Scripture declares: “The silver-haired head is a crown of glory, if it is found in the way of righteousness” (Proverbs 16:31).
We are presently living in Loimaa in a hotel owned by the pastor of the church. Next Sunday we are going to travel to the other side of the country to hold two meetings in different cities.
We are praying for more workers since there is so much to do in Spain. There are so many open doors and the opportunities are being multiplied.
The team is presently in Chucena, holding the banner of salvation high for all to see. Please keep them in prayer and call on God to pour His Spirit on the community. Chucena has never been plowed before and the land is still hostile to the gospel message.
We appreciate your prayers and concern.
Manzanilla, 14th of August 2015
We have already finished our campaign in Manzanilla and will be moving to Chucena on the 24th of August. Chucena is only 10 km from Manzanilla and there is no evangelical Christians there either. It will be the first time we visit this municipality, which means there will be plenty of plowing to do. But plowing we will, knowing that he who plows should plow in hope, for the cutting edge of our Plow can cut deep, exposing the thoughts and intents of the heart (Hebrews 4:12).
Sheep and Goats
As I mentioned in my last letter we have been living in the immediate vicinity of sheep and goats. They are crossing our camp four times a day, less than a meter from my home. As I observed them I came to realize that the goats follow the shepherd as well as the sheep. Both are part of the same flock. Yet, as we all know, the latter will inherit the kingdom while the former won’t.
I think there is something important to learn here. It is not sufficient to follow the Shepherd. The question remains: How do we follow Him? For while the sheep follow the shepherd submissively with their heads down, the goats go about with outstretched necks, attracted by whatever can meet their desire. The shepherd must call them time and again; gather and regather them; seek and discipline them constantly as if something in them refuses to break. The surrendered life might not be optional after all. Actually it might be what makes the sheep differs from the goat.
I want to give you thanks in behalf of Sebastian for your prayers and concern. He is doing very well and spends much time with us. He assists most of our prayer meetings and loves to share with us what the Lord is doing in his life. He is now learning to take a stand for the Faith amidst a perverse generation. Please, continue to pray for him for the battle is for real.
Luisa & Americo
Luisa and Americo are still in Portugal. Our sister is about to finish her treatment of radiotherapy. She has nine sessions left and we are calling on God to give her strength until the very end. She must travel for nearly three hours by means of public transportation to attend each session. We are looking forward to have them back with us, possibly at the end of the month.
I want to seize the opportunity to express our gratefulness for your prayers on behalf of Luisa and Americo. Two things among others are certain, he who waters will also be watered (Prov. 11:25), and God is not unjust to forget your work and labor of love (Heb. 6:10).
Eija and me
Eija and me will be leaving for Finland in ten days to fulfill our annual tour. Several churches will receive us and we are looking forward to meet the brethren once more. Many of them have become dear to us and their friendship is greatly appreciated.
We will also visit some Italian churches in Germany on our way back to Spain. This is a project the Lord has prepared for us from start to finish. We were not planning to have such a tour but the Hand of providence opened that door and we are grateful for the opportunity. Obviously the Lord knows our needs, a knowledge bringing rest to our soul.
May God continue to guide and sustain you in all things. And don’t forget! Our salvation is nearer than when we first believed (Romans 13:11).
Manzanilla, 19th of July 2015
Three weeks have passed since I wrote the last news. Indeed the days are passing faster than one can imagine. All this reminds us that the end is drawing near and that time must be seriously redeemed.
Our campaign in Manzanilla is being blessed and the street work very encouraging. Several unconverted people frequent our nightly meetings and meaningful contacts are being made in the street.
Sebastian (the gardener) has given his life to Jesus two weeks ago. It is wonderful to see him coming to our nightly meetings with the Bible in his hand, longing to hear the songs and the preaching of the Word. The night he got saved he was sharing with me his life story, a life marked by disorientation and sin. He was very sincere and was telling me, with absolute conviction, he was a sinner. We were able to pray together and there he was, asking God to forgive him and become the Guide of his life.
A few days ago he was saying he should have met us thirty years earlier; “It would have save me a lot of trouble,” he told. This morning he was asking me if he could come to spend some weeks with us when we will be moving to another city. “I can help in anything needed,” he added, “I have no attachment anywhere”. One thing is sure, the Lord’s grace is upon him and joy emanates from his face. Yet we need to keep him in prayers, for the devil knows he is a living witness and a light shining in the midst of darkness. His friends are saying he is a different person, i.e., more respectful, more calm, and more considerate. May God help him to put deep roots in Jesus and become a stable and shining Christian amidst a pagan land given to amorality and idolatry.
Paola is another ripe fruit which is about to fall into the basket of salvation. She has frequented regularly our nightly meetings under the tent as well as some open-air meetings. She always brings some of her friends along and craves to hear more about the Bible. She is a devout Catholic but knew nothing about the Scripture. A few days ago we gave her a Bible and now she is carrying it everywhere. Last night she came to an open-air meeting. She was the first one to arrive and as usual she came with two of her friends. They were sitting in front of a bar with Sofia, a member of our team, waiting for the meeting to begin. As usual she had her Bible with her. When she saw I was about to take a picture she held it up as to publish her appreciation and craving. Please keep Paola in prayer for she is not far from the Kingdom of God.
Paola showing her Bible
Holding a meeting in the main square of Manzanilla last night
Preaching the Word in the main square
Last Sunday I was preaching in Almonte, a town of 23,000 habitants. We had a campaign there in 2009. At the time there was no evangelical testimony in town, but today a few Christians are holding home meetings every Sunday. Four of them come from Seville to assist this little flock, two others from San Juan del Puerto, and four are local believers. One of the married couples came to know the Lord through our ministry as well as brother Antonio. It was a blessing to see how the Lord is taking care of them, securing their growth and prospering them in Christ.
I was especially touched when Manuel stood up to share a brief meditation from the book of Isaiah. Two years ago he was lost and blind, having no interest in the things of God. I still remember the night he got saved during one of our nightly meetings and the day I baptized him. Now he is a faithful member of the embryonic church of Almonte.
Almonte is situated 17 km from El Rocio, the main center of idol worship in all of Spain. Tens of thousands of pilgrims go there every year, most of them on horses, to give homage to the “Paloma Blanca” or “Virgen del Rocio”, the names attributed to the idol. Their devotion is reminiscent to the one the Ephesians had for the goddess Diana (Acts 19:28–34). Needless to say the spiritual darkness reigning in this part of the land is great and nearly absolute.
To break the yoke of tradition and to confront the demonic spirits moving on the hearts and minds of the worshippers represents a dangerous and grueling task. The visual presentation found at the end of the letter will give you a small idea of the invading enthusiasm and devotion surrounding the “Paloma Blanca”. All this to say that to establish an evangelical testimony in Almonte (the city having the “Paloma Blanca” as patron saint) is a challenge that can be carried out by God’s Spirit only, for dark is the town and great the opposition. Please keep these brethren in prayer.
May the God of all grace continue to break the yoke and set the captives free. This is our continuous prayer.
This video was taken at night time at 2:45 am
Manzanilla, 20th of June 2015
At last our camp is now set up in Manzanilla, right in front of the football stadium. The move went very well and we were able to start our campaign a few days ago. The first contact with the population has been very positive.
Twenty meters from our camp there is a garden and its owner gave us some of its products several times already. He remembers our visit five years ago and seems to value the work we are doing although he is not a believer yet. His name is Sebastian and he has been coming to all our nightly meetings so far, bringing some of his friends along. He is very receptive to the Gospel message and several disciples had the opportunity to talk with him in these past few days.
Sebastian, me & his Garden
This sort of people must be brought before the throne of grace through constant prayers, or else they might remain among those who have been nearly persuaded to become a Christian (Acts 26:28), or follow the tragic example of those of whom it has been said: “You are not far from the kingdom of God” (Mark 12:34).
Sebastian is a bachelor living with a woman since several years. May God move upon his conscience and convince him of sin while revealing to him the way of salvation.
Then there is Luis, a shepherd crossing our camp with his flock twice a day. We have been able to talk with him on different occasions and discovered he is very bitter against God. He told us he has a daughter who was born handicap, which affected him greatly, leading him to resentfulness and rancor. Nevertheless, in spite of his bitterness we have a good relation with him and, contrary to hope, in hope believe that the love of God and our friendship will overcome him, leading him to repentance and salvation.
Luis with his flock
The life in the camp
Soon the holiday season will start. Each disciple has a right to 20 days of rest a year, which are mostly taken in July/August. This reduces our number to a bare minimum, but these holidays are needed since our campaigns are continuous and the moves arduous.
For Eija and me these two months involve the making of awnings for our containers. The Spanish sun is so scorching that such covering is needed to protect us from its deleterious rays. We can produce them for thirty percent of their industrial price and construct them according to our specific needs. They are best produced in hot temperature since the polyvinyl chloride (pvc) must be welded together; when the temperature is cold the surface of the material burns before it has melted thoroughly. An awning lasts about ten years if carefully handled and has an important part of our daily life.
Another wonderful news is that we have been able to buy the stainless steel needed for the floor of our new refectory. I want to give thanks to the brothers and sisters who have financially participated in its acquisition. May God reward each one of you accordingly.
Luisa & Américo
Luisa and Américo are still in Portugal. Our dear sister has received her last therapy yesterday and the 26 of this month she will receive her last filling. Please keep them in prayer since more therapy might be needed in these subsequent weeks. We are praying that this possible therapy won’t be needed and that our brother and sister will be able to return home.
Brethren! Let us fight the Good Battle faithfully, and this, till the final Day; for grace and strength are provided forevermore.
Escacena del Campo, 24th of May 2015
“The angel of the Lord encamps all around those who fear Him, and delivers them” (Psalm 34:7)
About a week ago, Américo and Byron had a car accident on the highway that could have been lethal, but indeed the Lord delivered them. They miraculously pulled out of there with a few scratches, just to remind us how faithful our God is. The car, an old Renault Express, was left in ruins after having served us for 18 years. We are filled with gratitude for what the Lord has done. So numerous are His wonders and great His mercy.
Américo and Byron
The New Refectory
The work on the new refectory is advancing. The floor has been laid down and the outside painted. The next step will be to cover the floor with stainless steel to ensure durability and easy cleaning. This will be done in the next city since we have only five days left before putting our camp down.
The third of June we are going to move to Manzanilla. We had a campaign there in 2010 and the Lord put on our heart to return to this needy locality situated seven kilometers from Escacena del Campo. The vicinity of these two localities will facilitate any eventual follow-up work which brother David could efficiently maintain. The converts could meet with the little flock in Escacena and find therein a wonderful family. Please pray for the inhabitants of Manzanilla. May the Lord visit this locality with grace and revelations.
Escacena del Campo, 12th of May 2015
We have finished our campaign in Escacena del Campo ten days ago. It has been an interesting and blessed experience. New contacts were made as the receptivity to the Gospel message was greater than ever before. We were also able to deepen the relation we had with contacts made during our two previous campaigns. In brief, the seed has been sown, not among the thorns or upon the rocks, but there where the plough had turned the soil inside out.
Children Meeting
Our last evangelistic activity was a children meeting held in the main square of the city. These meetings are always effectual, not only to reach the children but also their parents or grandparents. They also create, by their very nature, a certain union with the inhabitants of the locality, which is always positive and constructive.
The Blessing of Fellowship
We also had a wonderful time with the few local believers. Each one of them has become dear to us through the years and it was our blessing to edify them and theirs to edify us. They are indeed shining the light of the Gospel in this locality and it is glorious to see them following in the Master’s footprints.
Brother David Luque Martinez is pasturing this little flock together with his wife Maria. Every Sunday they faithfully come from Camas, near Seville, to instruct and encourage this little flock. They were coming here in their youth to evangelize in the streets. At the time there was only one Christian in town, a dear sister who passed away last year. Ever since these early visits their heart has been united to Escacena del Campo and here they are, decades after, serving the Master with commitment and faithfulness. Keep these few Christians in prayer. The Lord is moving among them and I sincerely believe they will reap in due time if they faint not.
The little evangelical community of Escacena del Campo (one sister is missing). On the left you have brother David with his wife Maria.
Maintenance work
We are presently taking a few weeks off to work on maintenance. One of our goals is to finish our new refectory, which will be used also for our daily prayer meeting. The project had come to a halt last November due to a lack of finances. But happily we have received some financial help and the project can advance some more. We hope to have it done before winter since our old refectory (an old & worn-out tent) won’t be able to take another hibernal season.
The new refectory
Luisa and Américo
As for the rest everything is going forward. Luisa and Américo are still in Portugal. Her treatment is proceeding with success, although at a turtle’s pace. Américo will be coming to spend 10 days with us. Join your prayers to ours, asking the Father to grant them patience and fortitude. We are looking forward to be reunited with them (possibly this summer) and to have the whole family together once more.
Escacena del Campo, 16th of April 2015
Américo & Luisa
Our trip to Portugal was a real blessing. We found Américo and Luisa amazingly fresh and of good spirit. Not only they were encouraged, but also encouraging and joy inspiring. The grace of God is indeed abundant towards those who fear Him.
Luisa had some problems with her blood pressure but with the help of medication everything is back to normal. She is still under treatment and if everything goes well she and Américo should be back with us in June. They both beseech your prayers, being grateful for your support and concern.
A very special day
Saturday, the 11th of April, was a very special day for us. It was the inauguration of a meeting place in Aracena, a city situated in the North of the province of Huelva. We had our first campaign there in 2002. At the time our objective was to establish a local church in this part of the province since there was none of them in the whole area—the first one being at 104 km away. During this first campaign a married couple got saved, namely Manoli and Paco. Although several difficulties and trials confronted them, and this from the very start, they have remained faithful ever since and have become pillars of a strategic mission point in this part of the province.
In 2007 we held two other campaigns in Aracena. Slowly but surely an evangelical community began to emerge in the midst of struggles and gales. Albeit, this little group managed to keep afloat and prospered under God’s protection and inspiration.
On the 23rd of August 2012, François and Taru Abellan, former members of the Christ is the Answer Ministry in Spain, by then missionaries supported by a Finnish Swedish church in Sweden, came to visit us, expressing their desire to work in the ‘Sierra de Aracena’. With no hesitation we blessed them, and soon after they began to take care of the believers in Aracena.
Unfortunately, in March 2014, Taru (François’ wife) died suddenly and the rest of the family returned to Sweden. Propitiously the church where the Abellans were congregating in Seville offered to continue the work in Aracena. Brother Gines López, who was helping François previously, became the pastor of the Christian community in Aracena. He already knew the members very well and committed himself to take care of them while evangelizing in this needed area. We are grateful to God for Gines and his wife and we will do all that is in our power to assist them and encourage the community there.
About a month ago Gines rented a local as a meeting place—until then the meetings were held in a civic hall. After some work of restoration the inauguration was planned and on the 11th of April the place was dedicated to the service of God and of the community. The mayor of Aracena was present as well as several pastors and brethren. It was indeed a blessing to meet coworkers we had not met for several years.
At last, 13th years after our initial effort, a community is established in Aracena. I want to give thanks to all of you who have prayed for this city and for the brethren living there. We are all aware that there is still a long way to go, but the foundation is laid and the pillars established. Glory to God!
The following pictures were taken on the day of inauguration in Aracena
Blessing to you all and hoping to hear from you soon.
Escacena del Campo, 5th of April 2015
In pioneering work every detail is highly significant and must be carefully watered by prayer and due attention. One of those details happened a few days ago. My wife Eija was queuing in a pharmacy and the woman behind her began to talk to her asking if she was a member of our team. As they were talking the woman’s mobile phone rang. It was Carmen, one of her friends, who is suffering of leukemia. The woman was trying to encourage her with comforting words. At one point she told her she was with a member of an evangelical community and that we were going to pray for her. And then, all of a sudden, she turned to Eija and gave her the phone. Unexpectedly my wife began to talk with Carmen.
This sort of details exemplifies how the attitude of the community has changed towards us. Five years ago, during our first visit, they were afraid to communicate with us and very few contacts were made. But this has changed drastically and distrust has given way to appreciation and confidence.
Another encouraging detail
In the same pharmacy another woman approached Eija telling her she was the daughter of the woman who had died during our previous visit 13 months ago. At the time she had asked two of our sisters to come and pray for her deceased mother. Our sisters had gone to their home finding several mourners. They had prayed for the family, calling on God to comfort them and so on. The woman was telling Eija she wanted to come to our nightly meetings and her heart seems to be wide open.
Please keep praying for Escacena del Campo. God’s Spirit is obviously at work and several hearts seem receptive to the Gospel message.
About Eduardo
Another prayer request has to do with a man called Eduardo. We are hosting him since about a week. He is looking for a work and has no place to sleep meanwhile. The Lord has touched him and he is attending our meetings every night. He told us he has never felt so much peace in his life. Friday night, after I had finished preaching, he came and asked me if I could pass him one of the books I had written. Obviously he is genuinely thirsty for the things of God and I believe the Lord has led him to us for a glorious purpose. Please join your prayers to ours so he may find a work and the way of salvation.
An appreciated refreshing
We were also blessed by the visit of several brethren during Easter. Some were coming from far and it was with appreciation we fellowshipped with them all. What a privilege it has been. Surely to strengthen each other is important, and more so in these days of colossal opposition.
Our trip to Portugal
Tomorrow Eija and me, together with our daughter Sari Leena, will be going to Portugal to visit Américo and Luisa. We will also take their son Ruben along with us since his classes begin on Tuesday. It will be good to see our dear friends again; so many things have happened since we saw them last time.
Blessing to you and strength from the Father.
Escacena del Campo, 25th of March 2015
Eija and me are finally back in Spain. It has been a long seven months, the longest time away from the team by far, yet a period during which the faithfulness of God was manifested repeatedly and in various ways. It is indeed marvelous to experience daily God’s presence and graciousness.
We left Finland on Wednesday evening and arrived to the Christ is the Answer’s camp Sunday afternoon. The team had just finished the move to Escacena del Campo, a move executed in the rain from start to finish. Needless to say there was plenty of mud and puddles, splashing and sinking when we arrived. Still and all we were delighted to be back home with the privilege to serve the Master with our dear brothers and sisters. To be reunited with them has been a wonderful experience that will remain engraved in our memory as something beautiful and precious.
Today it is still raining but happily they forecast sunny days starting tomorrow. After a cold and dark Finnish winter we long to see the sun more than usual and to benefit from its heat.
Yesterday Manolo & Regina came to spend the day with us. They are from Gojar, a town situated near Granada. We came to know them twenty years ago and they have been our friends and associates ever since. Such coworkers are hard to find—faithful, dedicated and meet for the Master’s use.
Juan Antonio came to visit us also. He gave his life to Jesus two years ago and I have been ministering to him regularly for 10 months before leaving for Finland last August. He had become dear to me and it was with great joy we met again. If fellowship with God can be exceedingly delightful, fellowship with the brethren can also be a very blessed and pleasant experience.
Tomorrow we will put up the meeting tent and soon our evangelistic campaign will start. It will be our third campaign in Escacena del Campo. The last one was held 14 months ago and we are looking forward to reenter into the work previously achieved. As I explained on previous news there are a few Christians here and we are hoping to add to their number.
Please keep us in prayer
Espoonlahti, 14th of March 2015
Sorry for the lack of news. Again this lack is mostly due to the fact that Eija and I are still in Finland. But happily our time here has come to an end and we will be leaving for Spain next Wednesday, the 18th of March. We cannot wait to see the sun of Andalusia again, and our big ‘family’.
Thank you
I want to take this occasion to give thanks to all of you who have helped us through prayers, finances and encouraging letters and phone calls. Truly we have seen the hand of God in everything and in every turn.
If God would have told us a year ago that a breast cancer had to come, giving us the possibility to chose the date, we could not have chosen any better. Finland was the perfect place, and the fifth of November the perfect date. For if the news of the cancer had come before or during our tour it would have been a real problem. Of course if it had come after we had left for Spain it would have been highly inconvenient as well. The good Lord knew all this and we got the phone call two days before leaving for Spain.
Another amazing arrangement had to do with our lodging. The place we had during our tour was reserved until the seventh of November. The cottage is usually booked several months in advance and rarely vacant, much less for a period of four months. Well! To make a long story short we were able to stay there the whole time, except for the Christmas Season, during which time the Lord had prepared a wonderful flat for us, bigger in size, which was ideal since our children came to visit us during that period.
We are now preparing to get back in the field. It is truly a privilege for us to be able to return to Spain, a land of needs and challenges.
Please join us in prayer; asking God to bless our trip back to the Christ is the Answer camp in Andalusia.
P.S. I will be back with some more news in a few weeks.
Update—January 2015
At last here I am with some recent news concerning the work in Spain, sorry for the long delay. When I will be back in the Iberian Peninsula I will try to keep you updated on a monthly basis. Probably you have seen the recent post with the testimony of Luisa and Americo. Needless to say the situation of our sister and of my wife Eija is a very sensitive issue for our team at the moment. To deal with two breast cancers at the same time was surely not expected. Obviously we must be prepared for anything and ready to fight it through as it comes.
La Palma del Condado
The campaign in La Palma del Condado, which ended two weeks ago, was truly encouraging. Although few people came to our nightly meetings several good contacts were made, mostly in the streets, where we had nearly absolute freedom. The street meetings were particularly successful and we were able to hold many of them all-over the city. In two occasions the Police Chief was present, listening to us while taking care of his little boy in the children’s playground. On the second occasion brother Diego (a close friend and collaborator from a local church in Huelva) was preaching. When the meeting ended, my niece Angèle went to witness to him unaware he was the Police Chief. She had a very good talk with him and found him receptive to the Gospel Message. Such contacts are very important in pioneering work. They often have the potential to soften the ground of public opinion. When you have enough of them the walls of a city can collapse altogether. So I beseech your prayers for this influential man whose name is José Manuel. Surely God is able to reach deep into his heart and rescue him from perdition.
The same night, during our nightly meeting, brother Diego shared a testimony in view to encourage us. He explained how the fruit of our mission remains often unnoticed. He told us for instance that one of the teachers of his oldest daughter was telling in her class (in Huelva) that she was going at times to La Palma del Condado to listen to the songs of a Christian group because they engendered peace in her heart. This teacher is from Villarrasa—eight kilometers from La Palma—a locality where we have held three campaigns in the past six years. She went on explaining how she stays in her car to listen to the songs. Apparently she had done it a number of times. After the class, Diego’s daughter told her she knew us and that she was also evangelical. What a wonderful opportunity. Surely a wide door is opened and only God knows what will come out of it.
Another wonderful contact was made sometime before Christmas. Two members of the mission, namely José Maria and Alberto, had gone to get some food for free with one of our vans near a town called Pilas. While they were there, a text printed on the van caught the attention of a man, “Jesus Christ the only hope”. So he drew near to talk with Alberto. His name is Juan. He is 48 years old. The use of drugs and the practice of immorality had nearly destroyed his life. But somehow he managed to pull out of drugs and what he heard from Alberto triggered such interest in his heart that he came several times to our nightly meetings under the tent. He is from Escacena del Campo, a town were we held two campaigns in the past. There is a little group of believers there and we were told Juan meets with them every week. Surely the Lord has not stopped seeking and saving the lost. More will be said about Escacena del Campo at the end of this letter.
Presently the team is in Niebla where they moved a week ago. This will be our fifth campaign there. The neighbors are all happy to see us again. They greet us warmly as they walk through our camp and some of them already came to talk to us. What a difference compared to our fist visit more than thirteen years ago.
These brief news give you a little idea of what pioneering work is all about. In such occupation every opening is to be valued and every opportunity to be taken as a gift from above. The little clouds in the sky must not be despised (1 Kings 18:44), nor the little roots coming out of the dry ground (Isaiah 53:2). Nothing is too small to be ignored or too slow to be forsaken.
What follows is for those who want to understand the slow progress taking place in the province of Huelva. I mentioned above a town called Escacena del Campo where Juan, the new convert, is now congregating. We were there one year ago. At the time I had written the letter I present now below to give you some insight concerning the situation there. Please, keep praying for these people. They are holding the Torch of His testimony in spite of opposition and difficulties.
Drop us a few lines when you can. It is always encouraging to hear from you.
Written from Escacena del Campo, January 2014.
We have just finished our move from ‘La Palma del Condado’ to ‘Escacena del Campo’ where we have already been in the spring of 2010. Here there are only five believers: a sister of 86 years old with her husband newly converted, another of 75 with her daughter of 44, and Rosario, a sister of 53, who is partly the fruit of our last campaign here in Escacena.
Rosario’s husband was a goat herder and he was regularly attending his goats around our camp in the spring of 2010. So we had plenty of opportunities to communicate the Gospel to him. When he would arrive home he would tell his wife what he had heard from us during the day. At the time she was not receptive at all, telling him not to get brainwashed by this sect. But when he died in 2012 she began to think about what he had told her and began to seek the few evangelicals residing in Escacena. Shortly after she found one of them, got converted, and began to attend the home meetings taking place every Sunday afternoon. Brother David Luque Martinez, a close friend of ours, is taking care of these meetings since 2010. Him and his wife Maria come from Camas near Sevilla every Sunday to feed and edify this little flock.
Escacena del Campo is an important mission point being situated 6 km from Manzanilla, 6 km from Chucena, 1 km from Paterna del Campo, and 9 km from Castilleja del Campo.
Helsinki, 19th of November 2014
As you have surely noticed I have not written any news for some time. As I explained on my last post my wife Eija and I have been out of Spain since the end of August. We traveled all over Finland, ministering in several churches and sharing about the ‘Christ is the Answer’ work in Spain. Nevertheless, throughout this period, the team has continued to hold evangelistic campaigns. From Gibraleón (where we left for Finland) they moved the camp to Villarrasa, 44 km eastward. This was our third campaign there, the last one being held precisely one year earlier. The receptivity was far better than last time and several contacts were established. The mayor had given us total freedom to hold street meetings anywhere we wanted—an opportunity we seized with hands and heart.
Two years ago there were no born again Christians in Villarrasa, but now a young woman with her friend are among the redeemed and we pray they will be used as catalysts to provoke others to seek and find the Savior. It is wonderful to observe the efficiency of the divine plough on these wild soils and to be witnesses of God’s faithfulness towards a lost and indifferent world. In this kind of endeavor the words of James become very relevant: “Let patience have her perfect work”. This sort of patience flourishes there where God’s will is known, and happily we know we are to pioneer in these regions while it is day.
After the campaign ended in Villarrasa the team moved to ‘La Palma del Condado’, a mere seven kilometers away. This will be our second campaign there; the first one was held one year ago. In the past we had attempted to go there several times but there was very much resistance. We had to pray for years to brake through and braking we did, and our returning there after a year is a testimony that our God is well able to overcome opposition and obstacle. Since our last visit the mayor has come to value our work and the population will surely be more receptive. There is also a new convert there that needs our help and encouragement. His name is Juan Antonio. He got saved while being in prison for drug dealing. He was coming to our meetings last year and we have followed him closely the whole year. He was regularly coming to our meetings in Villarrasa and he is now rejoicing to have us in his city again. May God establish him in the faith as a tree deeply rooted in a fertile ground.
Special news
On my last letter I had mentioned that Luisa from Portugal might have a possible breast cancer. The biopsy, which was taken last August, confirmed that the tumor was cancerous. She was operated mid-October. Everything went well. The process has not come to completion yet but we are confident the proficient hand of God has been involved throughout the procedure and a healthy recuperation will follow. Please keep her in prayer.
Eija and I were going to return to Spain the seventh of November, but the fifth of the same month—following a mammography taken two weeks earlier—Eija was summoned through a phone call to present herself for further analyses. The appointment was precisely on the seventh of November, the day of our departure from Finland. The examinations confirmed that a tumor was present and a biopsy was taken the same day. They were supposed to communicate the results to us in a week’s time but the doctor called us explaining that further analyses will have to be made and that this will take some additional weeks. Whatever the outcome will be a chirurgical intervention is called for which should take place presumably after New Year. Of course the possibility exists that God has already intervened, but this will be known only after a MRI will be taken and this will take some time. So our stay in Finland will be extended. We know God has everything in control and in Him we rest.
With my wife Eija
We want to express our gratefulness for your prayers, solidarity and concern. Please drop us a line when you can. It is always a blessing to hear from you.
May the Lord of the Sabbath give you rest and Jehovahjireh provide all of your needs.
From heart to heart
Gibraleón, 1st of August 2014
We are presently fighting the battle in Gibraleón and let me tell you the devil is for real. To get one of his subjects out of his den is an accomplishment worth of the Great Conqueror. We have begun the campaign here two weeks ago and happily several brethren from Huelva are involved in the Fight. We have sergeants, lieutenants, colonels, and captains… all joining forces in the common effort. We have been authorized to hold meetings in the main squares of the city but without the use of amplification. Let’s pray our vocal cords can hold.
Happily, in Gibraleón, a few people got saved from deceit and bondage. We have Rafael, 36 years old; he had been with the Jehovah Witnesses for twenty years. Then we have his father, named Rafael also, he is 65 years old and got liberated from the same sect as well as his other son Juan Antonio. The whole family is getting liberated but the struggle is not over yet. The wife of Rafael junior is still in bondage and the chains seem to resist our prayers and intercessions. Her name is Monica. They have a son and as you can imagine life at home is quite intense at the moment. The leaders of the Jehovah Witnesses have counseled her to leave her husband whom they call an infidel and apostate. But the Lord of Host is no near to give up the fight and the divine Sword is blazing upon chains and iron gates. It is heaven against hell, truth against deceit, light against darkness… so the battalion is marching onward with their faces set as a flint, and set for victory.
The battle is unfolding on different fronts. Luisa, one of our sisters, has been diagnosed with a possible cancer on the breast. Next Tuesday she will be going for a biopsy. We covet your prayer on her behalf.
Luisa with her husband Americo
For the rest the team is doing well. We are still praying for workers as the work is simply overwhelming.
Please keep us in prayer.
With gratefulness and love.
San Juan del Puerto, 1st July 2014
We have just finished our campaign in San Juan del Puerto. This was our fourth campaign here and we are starting to feel home and well received. What was a spiritual forest fourteen years ago has become a field and we are beginning to see the result of our labor. How wonderful it is to see what the Axe and Plough can do.
Fourteen years ago there was no Christians in town and the ground was hard and bare. Today there is a little church and the light is shining forth where darkness was ruling. I am not saying everything has become easy. But the first phase is nearly over and we are well aware that we are now working more in a field than in a forest. I remember our first campaign here in the year 2000; it was very difficult and somewhat depressing. It was in the late autumn and the rain was interfering considerably with our evangelistic effort. Hardly anybody wanted to talk and voices were heard saying we were a sect and so on. But all this is past history and today the people are friendly and quite opened with us. We realize more and more how important constancy is in pioneering work: interceeding, preaching and witnessing, loving and serving; seizing every opportunity to communicate the Gospel in words and deeds; this is the only way to advance and conquer.
When we were here last year a lovely young married couple came to know Jesus personally. They live right in front of our camp and they are a real blessing to us. They are shining the Gospel forth and their scale of values has been restructured in such a way that everyone can see it. Jema keeps saying that her life had no direction or meaning before she met Jesus. But all this has changed and she knows at last why she is on the face of the earth. People like them are points of reference in a society searching for meaning where there is none.
Manuel and Jema
We have also invested some time building a new container that will replace a very old tent that was used as a refectory and prayer room for the community. The work is by no mean finished but the main part is done.
Our new refectory and prayer room
Next week we are going to move to Gibraleón, a city situated 17 km North of Huelva. This will be our third campaign there. The last one was held 15 months ago and we want to reenter into our labor before the shrubs start to grow again. It is a difficult city to work in, so please keep us in prayer.
We want to give thanks to all of you who care and pray for us. May the Master grant you grace and strength in these perilous times.
Together in the Fight
Simon Desjardins for “Christ is the Answer – Spain”
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